Spring is Here and Allergies are Blooming
I thought I'd share with you a natural approach to seasonal allergy control. A treatment plan that doesn't make you drowsy and doesn't have adverse side effects. more...
Discussion of Allergies
There is a great deal of confusion even amongst doctors about allergic reactions and the symptoms that they can cause. I have actually had some medical doctors tell my patients that ";hives are the only true allergy." That simply shows the depth of their ignorance in this area. Over the last 10 to 15 years, with the emergence of the AIDS virus, information regarding our immune systems has ballooned. We now know that the classic allergy picture--itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose--is just the tip of the iceberg. more...
CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue)
Recently, I have been seeing a great many people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - now called "Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome," or CFIDS for short. In almost every case, they are medical "failures." They have gotten no relief; all they've been given is a diagnosis - as though categorizing and naming the syndrome afforded relief. CFIDS is really a very old problem. It is a constellation of symptoms caused by disordered physiology. more...
Auto-Immune Diseases - The Mystery Illness
Note: This is text taken from a talk given by Dr Richards. I have been asked on various occasions to give presentations on lupus, on multiple sclerosis, on rheumatoid arthritis--all of these degenerative diseases that tend to be a very large problem in America. And the thing is, it doesn't matter what you call it, it's all the same thing. more...
Alternative Health Care News
Important Information on Prop 37
I am attaching to this email information I received from a concerned client regarding Prop 37, the food labeling initiative. I was unaware of the import of this legislation until I received a political ad dissing Dr. Mercola for supporting it. I immediately sat up and took notice, since I respect Dr. Mercola. more...
Alarming Developments in Health Care – What They Mean To You
Get ready for a health care police state. There are many trends that you need to know about, and that I find alarming. A recent article (The Bakersfield Californian, Wednesday, December 7, 2011) highlights a few of the more alarming developments. more...
Urgent Health Care Alert!
This just came across my desk. It is a chart of the new bureaucracies created by the proposals currently on the table in Congress – an ObamaCare nightmare! more...
Medical Fascism Hidden in Stimulus Bill from Natural Soln's Foundation
The stimulus plan contains provisions regarding national health care that will mean the end of medical services as we now know them. Care for the elderly will be established based upon life expectancy, rather than benefit. In addition, the requirement that all doctors and hospitals "go electronic" so that their actions can be monitored imposes an enormous cost on doctors and hospitals. more...
Protect Your Access to Health Care
Have you been paying attention to the information coming out about the Health Care Plan as people have the opportunity to read the bill? more...
Schlock "Science" Attempts to Debunk Vitamin D Effect on Cancer
Study Shows No Link Between Vitamin D Level and Cancer Deaths — Except for Colorectal Cancer." Sounds authoritative, doesn't it? But, if you dig a little deeper, you find out that this so-called "study" can hardly be termed a study at all. more...
Vitamin Propaganda - Do Vitamins Really Shorten Your Life?
Are you dismayed by recent news reports that tell you not to take vitamins, because they may shorten your life? I can't tell you how upset I have been by this disinformation campaign. more...
Busting Nutrition Myths
The current "wisdom" about cardiovascular disease is almost entirely in error. My research on the subject Cardiovascular Fitness - Is Running Enough? has certainly been eye-opening. more...
Death by Medicine
I submitted an article detailing the effectiveness of St. John's Wort with West Nile Virus to a PR website where reporters research information for broadcast/publication. We got almost 88,000 hits, but no one wanted to disseminate the information. I spoke to one reporter with a newspaper in the Inland Empire. more...
Is Your Doctor Dangerous to Your Health
The most serious threat to the health of the American public is the number of doctors who know they can never get well! Do you find that statement shocking? more...
Safe Supplements and the Fear of Mad Cow Disease
Were you alarmed by the article regarding supplements in the Sunday LA Times on February 11th? The author attributed a slight dip in supplement sales to a lack of consumer confidence in their efficacy and worry about mad cow disease. more...
FDA Encroaching on Your Freedom of Choice in Health Care
In essence, the FDA is protecting the drug industry by muzzling information about safe and effective, natural alternatives to vaccines. You may have noticed that TV commercials are still being aired, encouraging everyone to get vaccinated against H1N1 "before it's too late." Too late for what? more...
Vitamin Propaganda Continues
I am completely disgusted and seriously alarmed by the tenor of "health news" of late. Have you noticed? Everything is aimed at discrediting vitamins. more...
CODEX, Supplements and Dianne Feinstein
As promised, here is the text of the letter Senator Feinstein sent one of my clients in response to her inquiry concerning the availability of supplements if CODEX is implemented in the U.S. I have crossed out her name and e-mail address to protect her privacy. more...
Arthritis and AutoImmune
Chondriotin, Arthritis and Heart Disease
There is more exciting news about chondroitin sulfate (CS). If you have been reading the newsletters regularly, you already know how effective it is in removing the plaque of atherosclerosis. Now, new research from Switzerland has determined that CS is effective in relieving the joint pain of osteoarthritis of the hand. It also reduced the stiffness that accompanies it. more...
Over 65 million Americans suffer from arthritis, making it the most prevalent disease in the US and, by far, the majority are taking medications that are actually worsening their condition. more...
Auto-Immune Diseases - The Mystery Illness
There's a reason why I termed these "mystery illnesses." They are all considered to be syndromes because in medicine the etiology or the cause is unknown. There are a lot of theories about cause and causation... more...
Rehmannia Complex - a Better Choice than Cortisone for Pain Control?
In particular, I am very impressed with Rehmannia Complex Phytosynergist (RCP). For those of us with auto-immune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia, this product is really a God-send. It contains the following herbs: more...
Vitamins and Cancer
On April 2, 2012 on the Fox morning news, I saw an interview that raised red flags for me. I'd like to share my concerns. The gentleman was an oncologist and was being interviewed regarding ways to avoid getting cancer. The headline of the segment was "Do vitamins give you cancer?" more...
What is Cancer?
In the broadest sense, it is a series of genetic errors almost always caused by damages from outside the organism (risk factors or carcinogens) Progressive genetic damage results in the "switching on" of cancerous growth. This is a multi-stage process that can be reversed, as well as advanced, by external factors
There are plenty of carcinogens in our food supply: more...
Cancer as a Disease of Lifestyle
The Global 2000 Report to the President, states that "envlronmental (l.e., exogenous non genetic) factors contribute 80 to 90% of the present cancer cases. more...
An Asprin a Day Can Give You Cancer
So many people today are taking an aspirin a day - many upon the recommendation of their doctors and many simply because they think it is the "healthy" thing to do. However, a recent study involving 88,000 nurses revealed a 58% increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer among those who took 2 or more aspirins per week for 20 years or more. more...
Estrogen and Cancer
Estrogen and cancer risk. It's been almost a year since the initial announcement that estrogen therapy increases a woman's risk of cancer. This is true even of bioidentical hormones, which many doctors have turned to as an alternative to Premarin." more...
The Pancreatic Cancer Scourge
The recent death of Patrick Swayze hit me hard. He was younger than I, and has always seemed to me to be a person who stood up for honor and integrity. But, what hit me hardest was how unnecessary it was. more...
Schlock "Science" Attempts to Debunk Vitamin D Effect on Cancer
Study Shows No Link Between Vitamin D Level and Cancer Deaths — Except for Colorectal Cancer." Sounds authoritative, doesn't it? But, if you dig a little deeper, you find out that this so-called "study" can hardly be termed a study at all. more...
Endocrine and Reproductive Cancer
The three leading causes of death in America (when you include peripheral vascular disease, which is number 3) are diseases of lifestyle, and our health care system offers little or no lifestyle counseling, focusing instead on early detection. more...
Vitamin D Benefits
Prior to this, the media has hyped the notion that vitamin D is "toxic" and shouldn't be taken in high doses. However, Robbins, et al, Pathologic Basis of Disease clearly states that vitamin D toxicity begins at 1,000,000 IUs per day. more...
Vitamin Propaganda Continues
I am completely disgusted and seriously alarmed by the tenor of "health news" of late. Have you noticed? Everything is aimed at discrediting vitamins. more...
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
Since this condition is silent, what should you watch for? Early symptoms include: urinating more frequently, especially at night; difficulty beginning urination; urinary stream that's weak or thin... more...
The "War on Cancer" Has Been Lost!
Despite a $10 million/year, 30-year investment in fighting cancer by the U.S. Government, the mortality from cancer is higher than ever. (NEJM, Bailer & Smith, 1986, 314:1226-1232) more...
Children's Health | general
The University of Southern Denmark published the results of an important follow-up study on infantile colic in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics (JMPT, Oct 99). JMPT is a peer-reviewed journal of the highest caliber and the study's design conformed to the randomized, controlled trial model so beloved of the medical profession. more...
Health Risks from Acetaminophen
Acetaminophen (Tylenol the most familiar brand) is extremely dangerous. When I was in school, our instructor in drug toxicology (who was a pharmacist and had practiced at LA County General Hospital) pointed out that acetaminophen was the leading cause of death by accidental poisoning in the pediatric population. What made the statistic even more startling was that the drug was almost always administered by the parents - with the intention of helping their child. more...
Health Risks from Acetaminophen
Early in July Associated Press performed an important public service. They released a story which highlighted a serious public health problem. Parents, in particular, need to take note of this information. Acetaminophen (Tylenol the most familiar brand) is extremely dangerous. more...
Vitamin E, Asthma, and Pre-natal Risk
They found that low intake of vitamin E during pregnancy was associated with a higher risk among offspring for developing persistent asthma, beginning during the first two years of life and continuing to at least until age five. more...
Suppressing Information About the Swine Flu
The FDA is pursuing and shutting down anyone on the Internet that offers "cures" for the swine flu – other than the FDA endorsed vaccine, Tamiflu or Relenza. more...
Children's Health | cranial
Skull Deformities (Plagiocephaly) and Developmental Delays in Children: The Benefits of Cranial Care
"Why cranial adjusting for infants and children?" you may ask. That is an excellent question, and I will attempt to give you an overview of the subject. First of all, it is important to realize that the most dramatic increase in brain volume occurs in the last 3 months of gestation and the first 2 years of life. Head growth in the fetus and infant is largely determined by brain growth. Please take note that the brain reaches 90% of adult size by 1 year of age; it is 95% of its ultimate adult size by 6 years of age, and growth is complete by age 7. Therefore, birth to 2 years of age gives us the greatest opportunity to intervene to maximize outcomes. more...
Cranial Surgery for Infants
I found the information so outrageous and alarming that I needed to share it with everyone. The headline reads "Some Physicians Do Unnecessary Surgery On Heads of Infants" It seems that neurosurgeons are removing infants' skulls, "remodeling" the bone, and reattaching the skull to correct what is a simple, functional problem - positional molding. more...
Cranial Care for Infants and Children
For many children, as the infections continue and the immune system becomes more and more depressed by the antibiotics they are given, the eventual result is a surgery, with the placement of tubes in the ears. Both of these therapies are now being called into serious question by current medical information. more...
Children's Health | vaccines
Now that President Bush wants to reintroduce universal small pox vaccinations, the American Academy of Pediatrics is warning that the vaccine is unsafe, and may be life-threatening in certain cases. This after a world-wide campaign to eradicate small pox via vaccination. Didn't the risks to people in other parts of the world matter? more...
Hepatitus B Vaccine
The recent media blitz regarding school children and Hepatitis B vaccine is of extreme concern to me. Hepatitis B vaccine is mandatory before registering your 7th grader in school. (For those of you who are unaware, Hepatitis B vaccine is also administered in the hospital to newborns.) What you didn't hear is that, in California, you can request a waiver based upon personal conscience and belief. more...
Swine Flu Vaccine Alert
It seems that the swine flu vaccine contains mercury. If you want mercury-free vaccine, you have to make a special request. Not only do you have to request it, but you have to wait, because it isn't yet available. more...
Children's Health/ADHD
Do you realize that Ritalin is a cocaine analog? That, in fact, the tablets when ground up and inhaled, give the exact same high as cocaine? Well, the kids do. Ritalin is the fastest growing abused drug today. And most of it is obtained through legal prescriptions! more...
Chronic Disease and Alternative Health Care
For specific information on diet and food choices see good food choices.
Chronic Illness and Alternative Care (Preventive Medicine)
It seems to me the problems we have in health care delivery begin at the level of how we think about health and illness. We have been greatly influenced by Louis Pasteur and the germ theory - a great discovery in its own time. A microorganism attacks; the host becomes ill; the disease runs its course; the patient either survives or dies. This translates into the notion that each illness has a definite beginning and self-limited duration. more...
CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue)
Recently, I have been seeing a great many people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - now called "Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome," or CFIDS for short. In almost every case, they are medical "failures." They have gotten no relief; all they've been given is a diagnosis - as though categorizing and naming. more...
It turns out that the results with dietary change varied from absolutely no effect to as high as a 15% decrease. However, NO effort was made to determine what caused these differences. One of the researchers interviewed on the radio actually said that they didn't look into it. He did however, admit that he suspected people just didn't stick to the diet. more...
Now, a new product has come to market (Cholarest®) with research demonstrating it is extremely effective in modifying cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol due to stress, as well as people who have the type of high cholesterol associated with Type II diabetes (non-insulin dependent). The studies consistently report significant reductions in bad cholesterol. more...
One of the most dangerous substances in the US food supply is aspartame and otherwise known as Equal(R), Spoonful(R) or NutraSweet(R). There are over 5,000 "sugar free" products on the market which contain this neurotoxin. And, now that the patent has expired, we can expect many more! more...
Dysinsulinism, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease - the Carbohydrate Connection
The current mythology about health might lead you to believe that, if you avoid fat, limit your intake of meat, and eat a diet rich in carbohydrates you can live forever. After all, fat causes cardiovascular disease and makes you gain weight. Eat plenty of carbohydrates for health and stamina, and to control your weight. Unfortunately, those statements are almost totally wrong. more...
Hydrogenated (trans) Fats Being Whitewashed
Have you heard the latest? The medical community is attempting to change public perception of trans fat! After all the bad publicity about how dangerous hydrogenated fats are to the health of your heart, the latest article on WebMD [dated March 7, 2008] attempts to cloud the issue by asserting that "Not All Trans Fats are Equally Risky." more...
Colds and Influenza
Combatting the Swine Flu Hysteria
After several days of media hysteria, you are probably concerned about this latest "outbreak" of swine flu. If you listen to the media, we are all in danger of dying. However, that is far from the case, and in this letter, I want to set the facts straight and give you a strategy to protect both yourself and your loved ones. more...
Flu and Diathermy
This flu season is shaping up to be very nasty. We received word from colleagues in Australia about how severe the flu strain was this year; and their warnings were right on the mark. more...
Holiday Season, Diathermy and Your Health
It's holiday season again! And, if you're like many of us, you'll be out and about much more -- exposing yourself to the various viruses that are circulating right now. There are at least two that I am aware of -- an upper respiratory infection, which often transforms into a nasty cough and viral pneumonia, and a stomach virus that involves vomiting and diarrhea. more...
Shortage Of Influenza Vaccine
Are you concerned about the ramifications of the flu vaccine shortage for you and your family? If so, read on. more...
Suppressing Information About the Swine Flu
The FDA is pursuing and shutting down anyone on the Internet that offers "cures" for the swine flu – other than the FDA endorsed vaccine, Tamiflu or Relenza. more...
Surviving a Flu Pandemic
I was surprised in discussing my last newsletter with various clients. I suddenly realized that I was the repository of almost forgotten knowledge - valuable knowledge that could be life saving. This letter is the result of that cognition. more...
Swine Flu Vaccine Alert
It seems that the swine flu vaccine contains mercury. If you want mercury-free vaccine, you have to make a special request. Not only do you have to request it, but you have to wait, because it isn't yet available. more...
The Flu and St John's Wort
Have you noticed the recent media hysteria regarding the lack of flu vaccine this year? Are you concerned about the possible ramifications for you and your family? If so, please read on. more...
The Truth About Bird Flu [HSN1]
Are you as tired as I am of the media hysteria concerning bird flu? Or, are you worried about the consequences for yourself and your family? In this letter I will present the facts regarding this "epidemic" and provide you with strategies to use for any strain of influenza. more...
Cranial Care in Adults
Perhaps the most obvious people who can benefit from cranial work are those who have had head trauma, either accidental or surgical. I am a perfect example of that application. more...
Skull Deformities (Plagiocephaly) and Developmental Delays in Children: The Benefits of Cranial Care
"Why cranial adjusting for infants and children?" you may ask. That is an excellent question, and I will attempt to give you an overview of the subject. First of all, it is important to realize that the most dramatic increase in brain volume occurs in the last 3 months of gestation and the first 2 years of life. Head growth in the fetus and infant is largely determined by brain growth. Please take note that the brain reaches 90% of adult size by 1 year of age; it is 95% of its ultimate adult size by 6 years of age, and growth is complete by age 7. Therefore, birth to 2 years of age gives us the greatest opportunity to intervene to maximize outcomes. more...
Cranial Surgery for Infants
I found the information so outrageous and alarming that I needed to share it with everyone. The headline reads "Some Physicians Do Unnecessary Surgery On Heads of Infants." It seems that neurosurgeons are removing infants' skulls, "remodeling" the bone, and reattaching the skull to correct what is a simple, functional problem - positional molding. more...
Cranial Care for Infants and Children
For many children, as the infections continue and the immune system becomes more and more depressed by the antibiotics they are given, the eventual result is a surgery, with the placement of tubes in the ears. Both of these therapies are now being called into serious question by current medical information. more...
Dysinsulinism, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease - the Carbohydrate Connection
The current mythology about health might lead you to believe that, if you avoid fat, limit your intake of meat, and eat a diet rich in carbohydrates you can live forever. After all, fat causes cardiovascular disease and makes you gain weight. Eat plenty of carbohydrates for health and stamina, and to control your weight. Unfortunately, those statements are almost totally wrong. In actuality, it is carbohydrates that increase our blood lipid levels and our body fat, strain our pancreas and promote the development of both diabetes and cardiovascular disease - not to mention obesity. more...
Digestive Problems
Are We What We Eat?
The human body evolved over millions of years, ingesting seeds, grains and plants containing certain complexes of nutrients. By the natural selection process of evolution, the body developed the mechanisms necessary to use these nutrients simultaneously, each one being essential in a chain of interactions. Only in this century has technology enabled us to make grain and cereal products that have been stripped of their nutrients. more...
It turns out that the results with dietary change varied from absolutely no effect to as high as a 15% decrease. However, NO effort was made to determine what caused these differences. One of the researchers interviewed on the radio actually said that they didn't look into it. He did however, admit that he suspected people just didn't stick to the diet. more...
Estrogen and Cancer
Estrogen and cancer risk. It's been almost a year since the initial announcement that estrogen therapy increases a woman's risk of cancer. This is true even of bioidentical hormones, which many doctors have turned to as an alternative to Premarin". more...
GERD Medications
>Prilosec®, Nexium® and Zantac® (and other similar drugs used to suppress acid production in your stomach) increases osteoporosis, and the risk of hip fracture. (JAMA, December 27, 2006) Article This finding is a “duh!” You may have heard me carrying on about using Tums® (an antacid) for calcium supplementation — which is a complete joke! more...
Environmental Illness
Aluminum Toxicity
In The Lancet, 2 May 1987, researchers at New York City's Mt. Sinai School of Medicine reported that they had reproduced the brain lesions found in Alzheimer's disease by exposing rabbits to inhaled aluminum. The aluminum not only showed up in the brain, but it also accumulated in the exact regions were the lesions of Alzheimer's disease occurs and in the frontal lobe, paralleling the olfactory nerve. more...
One of the most dangerous substances in the US food supply is aspartame and otherwise known as Equal(R), Spoonful(R) or NutraSweet(R). There are over 5,000 "sugar free" products on the market which contain this neurotoxin. And, now that the patent has expired, we can expect many more! more...
The Dangers of Splenda
Have you ever wondered exactly what Splenda is made of? I know I have; and when I went looking out on the Web, the information wasn't readily available. Now, the news is out! more...
Hydrogenated (trans) Fats Being Whitewashed
Have you heard the latest? The medical community is attempting to change public perception of trans fat! After all the bad publicity about how dangerous hydrogenated fats are to the health of your heart, the latest article on WebMD [dated March 7, 2008] attempts to cloud the issue by asserting that "Not All Trans Fats are Equally Risky." more...
Do you need iodine? Can it help? Will it hurt?
In response to the many phone calls and inquiries we have received concerning radiation exposure from the Japan tragedy, I want to share with you my thoughts regarding the need for iodide for radiation protection. more...
Good Food Choices
Important Information on Prop 37
I am attaching to this email information I received from a concerned client regarding Prop 37, the food labeling initiative. I was unaware of the import of this legislation until I received a political ad dissing Dr. Mercola for supporting it. I immediately sat up and took notice, since I respect Dr. Mercola. more...
High Carbs and CV Disease
Do you struggle with an inability to lose weight? Or, do you suffer from depression, anxiety and mood swings? Are you constantly tired? Do you have food cravings, or are you addicted to caffeine or alcohol? Has you doctor warned you that you are developing diabetes, or that your cholesterol or blood pressure are too high? All of these seemingly unrelated conditions have a common source: the American preoccupation with low fat diets. more...
Holistic Weight Loss for Both Women and Men [and guys have an advantage, which really isn't fair!]
There's a very good reason why diet after diet fails you. Why you can't seem to lose weight and keep it off no matter how hard you try. If you would really love to be one, two, or several dress sizes slimmer, without starving yourself, running to the gym every day, or going on yet another fad diet, then let me reveal why famous, hyped, fad diets and heavily advertised gimmick "magic" products do not work, and exactly what you can do to achieve real lasting weight loss, make real lifestyle change–and enjoy better health, feel more youthful, and have more vibrant energy. more...
One of the most dangerous substances in the US food supply is aspartame and otherwise known as Equal(R), Spoonful(R) or NutraSweet(R). There are over 5,000 "sugar free" products on the market which contain this neurotoxin. And, now that the patent has expired, we can expect many more! more...
Diet and Cardiovascular Health
Signs of heart disease are showing up at an earlier and earlier age. Autopsy studies from young soldiers killed in Korea show that 77.3% had gross evidence of coronary arteriosclerosis. During the Vietnamese war, doctors continued to find widespread coronary damage in young Americans. Dr. SB Furnass, Director, of the Australian National University Health Service made this sobering observations: "While [coronary artery disease] may be an acceptable way to die in your 70s and later, it is far from acceptable in your 40s, which is when many of us are contracting it." more...
Dysinsulinism, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease - the Carbohydrate Connection
The current mythology about health might lead you to believe that, if you avoid fat, limit your intake of meat, and eat a diet rich in carbohydrates you can live forever. After all, fat causes cardiovascular disease and makes you gain weight. Eat plenty of carbohydrates for health and stamina, and to control your weight. Unfortunately, those statements are almost totally wrong. more...
It turns out that the results with dietary change varied from absolutely no effect to as high as a 15% decrease. However, NO effort was made to determine what caused these differences. One of the researchers interviewed on the radio actually said that they didn't look into it. He did however, admit that he suspected people just didn't stick to the diet. more...
Cardiovascular Disease and Low Carbohydrate Diet
The current mythology might lead you to believe that, if you avoid fat, limit your intake of meat, and eat a diet rich in carbohydrates you can live forever. After all, fat causes cardiovascular disease and makes you gain weight. Eat plenty of carbohydrates for health and stamina, and to control your weight. Unfortunately, those statements are almost totally wrong. more...
Is Running Enough?
All of the emphasis on "low fat" and "no fat" is completely backwards. The real culprits are refined sugars and, above all, refined white flour. Did you know that during the Blitzin England in WWII, when refined products were unavailable, deaths from heart failure dropped to almost zero? Cardiovascular disease was almost unknown in the United States before 1920. Now everyone knows what a scourge "heart trouble" is. more...
How much water should I drink?
Water is essential to metabolism. Everything you put in your mouth and which is absorbed is eventually filtered out of your bloodstream by your kidneys. The recommended amount of water daily is one-half your body weight times 0.8 (representing an 8 oz glass). more...
The Transformation of Our Food Supply
We are now far removed from the whole food of our ancestors. Modern agribusiness and supermarkets, as well as technology have transformed our food supply almost beyond recognition. more...
Essential Factors in a Healthy Diet
Paleolithic diet contained 5 times the amount of fiber we consume; most of it was in the form of fiber from fruits and vegetables, both soluble and insoluble. These fibers have been shown to nourish beneficial bacteria in our intestinal tract - e.g., protecting against reproductive cancer. more...
Heart Health
Chondriotin, Arthritis and Heart Disease
There is more exciting news about chondroitin sulfate (CS). If you have been reading the newsletters regularly, you already know how effective it is in removing the plaque of atherosclerosis. Now, new research from Switzerland has determined that CS is effective in relieving the joint pain of osteoarthritis of the hand. It also reduced the stiffness that accompanies it. more...
Some years ago (perhaps as many as ten), I wrote an article commenting on the research concerning the effect of salt restriction on heart attack patients. At that time, it was discovered that patients with the lowest concentration of sodium had the highest morbidity (illness) and mortality (death) after heart attacks. Now, new research confirms these findings and calls into question the wisdom of restricting salt intake in people with heart disease or high blood pressure. more...
The Heart Solution
Note: this is a transcription from a talk given by Dr Richards.
I've been putting more and more attention to cardiovascular disease and heart conditions recently. The simple reason for that is the more I learn, the more startled I am by how completely out of sync with our expectations our current medical care for heart trouble actually is. This is the latest information about the common medical protocols including medication and the surgeries that are currently used more...
Heart Fact Sheet
I. Annual deaths in the US: (all age groups)
Heart disease & stroke more than 1,000,000
Cancer approx. 500,000
Accident approx. 100,000
Pneumonia & Flu approx. 100,000
Diabetes less than 100,000
All other causes approx. 350,000 more...
Cholesterol Drugs - The Truth Behind the Advertising
I have noticed a television ad that piqued my curiosity. It features an unconscious patient being wheeled into an emergency room and the doctor asking the EMT about what meds the patient had been taking. When the EMT answers cholesterol-blockers, the narrative points out that blocking cholesterol is insufficient to prevent heart attack. more...
Taking Vitamins Reduces Death from Heart Disease
We have many culturally sanctioned "nutrition myths." A case in point: the current "wisdom" about cardiovascular disease is almost entirely in error. My research for my November presentation on Cardiovascular Fitness - Is Running Enough? was certainly eye-opening. For the complete text of that lecture, simply call the RFHC and order a copy of the cassette. more...
Cardiovascular Fitness, Is Running Enough?]
Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer in the United States - a distinction it has held for decades. It's enough to make one question what we think we know. If we have all the answers, shouldn't the numbers be improving? more...
The Truth About Calcium Supplements and Heart Disease
AUGUST 2010 Last weekend I was appalled, once again, by Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld advising the public never take calcium supplements, because they raise the risk of heart attacks. He actually stated that you should obtain your calcium only from food, rather than supplements. Because I found this information so outrageous, I went looking for the study (that's right, ONE STUDY) upon which this health alert was based. more...
Estrogen and Cancer
Estrogen and cancer risk. It's been almost a year since the initial announcement that estrogen therapy increases a woman's risk of cancer. This is true even of bioidentical hormones, which many doctors have turned to as an alternative to Premarin®. more...
B Vitamins and Cardiovascular Disease — Fact From Fiction
I want to comment on the continuing barrage of "news" stories, claiming vitamins are dangerous – and may even cause cancer!! Believe me, if that were the case, I would be the first to tell you about it. more...
Busting Nutrition Myths
The current "wisdom'' about cardiovascular disease is almost entirely in error. My research on the subject Cardiovascular Fitness - Is Running Enough? has certainly been eye-opening. more...
Vitamin E and Health
Vitamin E and Health Have you heard the latest? It's been on all the network shows (watch for my topic: How Controlled is the Media on Health Issues?). more...
Diet and Cardiovascular Health
Signs of heart disease are showing up at an earlier and earlier age. Autopsy studies from young soldiers killed in Korea show that 77.3% had gross evidence of coronary arteriosclerosis. During the Vietnamese war, doctors continued to find widespread coronary damage in young Americans. Dr. SB Furnass, Director, of the Australian National University Health Service made this sobering observations: "While [coronary artery disease] may be an acceptable way to die in your 70s and later, it is far from acceptable in your 40s, which is when many of us are contracting it." more...
Now, a new product has come to market (Cholarest®) with research demonstrating it is extremely effective in modifying cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol due to stress, as well as people who have the type of high cholesterol associated with Type II diabetes (non-insulin dependent). The studies consistently report significant reductions in bad cholesterol (LDL) and total cholesterol, together with significant increases in good cholesterol (HDL). more...
It turns out that the results with dietary change varied from absolutely no effect to as high as a 15% decrease. However, NO effort was made to determine what caused these differences. One of the researchers interviewed on the radio actually said that they didn't look into it. He did however, admit that he suspected people just didn't stick to the diet. more...
Chondroitin Sulfate
A simple nutrient: chondroitin sulfate (CS) - was proven to reduce plaque formation in atherosclerosis. In fact, it had been demonstrated to remove plaque from arterial walls. more...
High Carbs and Cardiovascular Disease
For the past 20 years, the American public has been bombarded with the message: "Fat is bad!" As a result, our food supply is now inundated with "low fat" foods, engineered foods and foods processed to remove natural fats. In every instance, low fat foods are loaded with carbohydrates. more...
An Asprin a Day Can Give You Cancer
So many people today are taking an aspirin a day - many upon the recommendation of their doctors and many simply because they think it is the "healthy" thing to do. However, a recent study involving 88,000 nurses revealed a 58% increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer among those who took 2 or more aspirins per week for 20 years or more. more...
Hydrogenated (trans) Fats Being Whitewashed
Have you heard the latest? The medical community is attempting to change public perception of trans fat! After all the bad publicity about how dangerous hydrogenated fats are to the health of your heart, the latest article on WebMD [dated March 7, 2008] attempts to cloud the issue by asserting that "Not All Trans Fats are Equally Risky." more...
Tim Russert's Death Affects Us All
Although I didn't watch Tim's show, he was an almost ubiquitous presence in many of the news programs I listen to – often quoted or even interviewed. What was clear to me was that he loved his family deeply; and he made time in a very busy life to write an entire book as a tribute to his father. That, to me, put him in the category of "a wonderful man." more...
Drug Induced CoQ10 Deficiency & Congestive Heart Failure
I'd like to concentrate on just one critical nutrient: CoQ10. As you may be aware, enzyme CoQ10 is an essential element of the mitochondrial electron-chain reaction, whereby we utilize oxygen to "burn" our food, producing energy without destroying our cells. CoQ10 is absolutely essential to protect the mitochondria from irreversible damage by the oxygen. Yet, many of the most common drugs prescribed today cause massive depletion of CoQ10... more...
Vitamin E and Health
Vitamin E and Health Have you heard the latest? It's been on all the network shows (watch for my topic: How Controlled is the Media on Health Issues?). more...
Dysinsulinism, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease - the Carbohydrate Connection
The current mythology about health might lead you to believe that, if you avoid fat, limit your intake of meat, and eat a diet rich in carbohydrates you can live forever. After all, fat causes cardiovascular disease and makes you gain weight. Eat plenty of carbohydrates for health and stamina, and to control your weight. Unfortunately, those statements are almost totally wrong. more...
The Heart Solution
I've been putting more and more attention to cardiovascular disease and heart conditions recently. The simple reason for that is the more I learn, the more startled I am by how completely out of sync with our expectations our current medical care for heart trouble actually is. This is the latest information about the common medical protocols including medication and the surgeries that are currently used. This information is really startling. And I want to talk more about some of the successes we've been having at the Center a phonocardiogram or an acoustocardiograph, We have a common sense approach to heart trouble. It is not a mystery, in spite of what we may have been led to believe. more...
Cardiovascular Disease and Low Carbohydrate Diet
The current mythology might lead you to believe that, if you avoid fat, limit your intake of meat, and eat a diet rich in carbohydrates you can live forever. After all, fat causes cardiovascular disease and makes you gain weight. Eat plenty of carbohydrates for health and stamina, and to control your weight. Unfortunately, those statements are almost totally wrong. more...
Is Running Enough?
All of the emphasis on "low fat" and "no fat" is completely backwards. The real culprits are refined sugars and, above all, refined white flour. Did you know that during the Blitz in England in WWII, when refined products were unavailable, deaths from heart failure dropped to almost zero? Cardiovascular disease was almost unknown in the United States before 1920. Now everyone knows what a scourge "heart trouble" is. more...
Cholesterol Drugs - The Truth Behind the Advertising
I have noticed a television ad that piqued my curiosity. It features an unconscious patient being wheeled into an emergency room and the doctor asking the EMT about what meds the patient had been taking. When the EMT answers cholesterol-blockers, the narrative points out that blocking cholesterol is insufficient to prevent heart attack. more...
CoQ10 Drug Depletion
In particular, I want to share with you some of the information from a presentation entitled, "Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletions." I found the information shocking, and I thought I was well-informed in this area. more...
Herbs | Vitamins | Drugs | Supplements
Vitamins and Cancer
On April 2, 2012 on the Fox morning news, I saw an interview that raised red flags for me. I'd like to share my concerns. The gentleman was an oncologist and was being interviewed regarding ways to avoid getting cancer. The headline of the segment was "Do vitamins give you cancer?" more...
Alli™ — Weight Loss Boon or Health Fraud?
I want to comment on the hype around Alli™, the newest, over-the-counter weight loss product. I couldn't believe it when it sold out all over the country on the first day of its release. I would like to inject some sanity into the conversation and offer a natural alternative. more...
Vitamin Propaganda Continues
I am completely disgusted and seriously alarmed by the tenor of "health news" of late. Have you noticed? Everything is aimed at discrediting vitamins. more...
Analysis of Misleading Medical Study re Calcium and Osteoporosis
Are you as tired as I am of all these "scientific studies" designed to demonstrate that what you really need is drugs? The latest in a long list of poorly designed – or possibly, purposefully rigged – studies is the latest, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, on February 16, 2006. more...
Cholesterol Drugs - The Truth Behind the Advertising
I have noticed a television ad that piqued my curiosity. It features an unconscious patient being wheeled into an emergency room and the doctor asking the EMT about what meds the patient had been taking. When the EMT answers cholesterol-blockers, the narrative points out that blocking cholesterol is insufficient to prevent heart attack. more...
Essential Factors in a Healthy Diet
Paleolithic diet contained 5 times the amount of fiber we consume; most of it was in the form of fiber from fruits and vegetables, both soluble and insoluble. These fibers have been shown to nourish beneficial bacteria in our intestinal tract - e.g., protecting against reproductive cancer. more...
Coral Calcium Alert
It has come to my attention that Coral Calcium can be very dangerous to people who are allergic to shrimp and shellfish. more...
Death by Medicine
I submitted an article detailing the effectiveness of St. John's Wort with West Nile Virus to a PR website where reporters research information for broadcast/publication. We got almost 88,000 hits, but no one wanted to disseminate the information. I spoke to one reporter with a newspaper in the Inland Empire. more...
Debunking False Vitamin Information
I never cease to be amazed by the ignorance of the medical community regarding nutrition. Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld on Sunday Housecall on Fox News, June 29, 2008, stated categorically that Vitamin A is the only vitamin found in meat. Not only he is mistaken, he is dangerously wrong. more...
Dangers of Osteoporosis Drugs
FINALLY! A study being presented this week (March 11, 2010) at the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons' annual meeting links the use of bisphosphonates (Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, etc.) to an increased risk of fracture in women, particularly in the hip and thigh. more...
CoQ10 Drug Depletion
In particular, I want to share with you some of the information from a presentation entitled, "Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletions." I found the information shocking, and I thought I was well-informed in this area. more...
Health Risks from Acetaminophen
Acetaminophen (Tylenol the most familiar brand) is extremely dangerous. When I was in school, our instructor in drug toxicology (who was a pharmacist and had practiced at LA County General Hospital) pointed out that acetaminophen was the leading cause of death by accidental poisoning in the pediatric population. What made the statistic even more startling was that the drug was almost always administered by the parents - with the intention of helping their child. more...
Finnish Antioxidant Study
One of the most common questions I've been asked recently is: What about beta carotene? Does the most recent study mean I should stop taking it? Is it dangerous? You probably already know the answers -- it was a great deal of media hype and very little accurate science. more...
Fish Oils Supplements Vital During Pregnancy
This is a huge win for all pregnant women and their babies. FINALLY, it has been demonstrated that babies born to women who takefish oil supplements in the last trimester of their pregnancy have better neurological development. more...
Heartburn Drugs Have Unexpected Consequences
Prilosec®, Nexium® and Zantac® (and other similar drugs used to suppress acid production in your stomach) increase osteoporosis, and the risk of hip fracture. more...
Herbal Alternative to Flu Shots
Cold and flu season is upon us again. I would like to make some recommendations to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy during this time of year. It will probably come as no surprise to you that I don't think a flu shot is a good idea. Let me share with you some of the reasons why. more...
Herbs - Variations in Quality and Non-Estrogenic Menopausal Relief
There's a great deal of misinformation regarding herbs and particularly in the area of 'standardized extracts.' Often, a standardized extract simply means that there is a defined weight of herb per ml of extract. The problem comes in the quality of the raw materials. Let me give you two examples. more...
Herbs. Are they Safe and Effective?
Herbs are clearly safer than household cleaners we all use on a daily basis so, why all the emphasis on herbal dangers? See the full article for poisoning statitics. more...
Rehmannia Complex - a Better Choice than Cortisone for Pain Control?
In particular, I am very impressed with Rehmannia Complex Phytosynergist (RCP). For those of us with auto-immune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia, this product is really a God-send. It contains the following herbs: more...
Safe Supplements and the Fear of Mad Cow Disease
Were you alarmed by the article regarding supplements in the Sunday LA Times on February 11th? The author attributed a slight dip in supplement sales to a lack of consumer confidence in their efficacy and worry about mad cow disease. more...
Schlock "Science" Attempts to Debunk Vitamin D Effect on Cancer
Study Shows No Link Between Vitamin D Level and Cancer Deaths — Except for Colorectal Cancer." Sounds authoritative, doesn't it? But, if you dig a little deeper, you find out that this so-called "study" can hardly be termed a study at all. more...
Seasonal Allergy Relief
I thought I'd share with you a natural approach to seasonal allergy control. A treatment plan that doesn't make you drowsy and doesn't have adverse side effects. more...
Vitamin D Benefits
Prior to this, the media has hyped the notion that vitamin D is "toxic" and shouldn't be taken in high doses. However, Robbins, et al, Pathologic Basis of Disease clearly states that vitamin D toxicity begins at 1,000,000 IUs per day. more...
Vitamin Propaganda - Do Vitamins Really Shorten Your Life?
Are you dismayed by recent news reports that tell you not to take vitamins, because they may shorten your life? I can't tell you how upset I have been by this disinformation campaign. more...
Vitamin E and Health
Vitamin E and Health Have you heard the latest? It's been on all the network shows (watch for my topic: How Controlled is the Media on Health Issues?). more...
Vitamin E, Asthma, and Pre-natal Risk
They found that low intake of vitamin E during pregnancy was associated with a higher risk among offspring for developing persistent asthma, beginning during the first two years of life and continuing to at least until age five. more...
West Nile Virus and St John's Wort
West Nile Virus, although new to the US, is well-documented. The Centers for Disease Control identifies it as a flavivirus, a member of the Togavirus family. It is closely related to yellow fever and dengue fever. This is important because the Togavirus family are encapsulated viruses, i.e., they are covered with a lipid (fatty) coating. more...
Protect Yourself Against the West Nile Virus
West Nile Virus has reached Southern California. And, if you listen to the media reports, we are all doomed! So, I'd like to interject a little sanity into the discussion, in the form of cold, hard facts. I researched this information on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) web site, in my medical microbiology texts, and on a consumer-friendly informational site. The statistics are all from the CDC. more...
Your Freedom of Choice in Health Care May Be at Risk
There may be a threat to your access to vitamins and minerals looming on the horizon. It's called the Codex Alimentarius, a United Nations regulation purporting to set international standards for nutritional supplements. I don't want to "cry wolf", but there may be some very disturbing developments on the horizon with regard to supplements. more...
Busting Nutrition Myths
The current "wisdom" about cardiovascular disease is almost entirely in error. My research on the subject Cardiovascular Fitness - Is Running Enough? has certainly been eye-opening. more...
One of the most common questions I am asked - and one of the most difficult to answer is "Doctor, what calcium should I take?" There is no easy and straightforward answer to that. I am, however, very glad that everyone is becoming more aware of the importance of calcium - particularly since it is so deficient in most American diets. more...
Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease - An Overview
The first important fact to recognize about diagnosing and treating Lyme Disease is the amount of opposition you are going to receive. Lyme Disease has become a political issue. The insurance companies don't want to recognize it; the pharmaceutical companies can't afford to recognize it; and there is evidence that it's widespread dissemination in the United States may have a link to the federal government's research. more...
Lyme Disease. The Great Imitator
There is an undiagnosed epidemic of Lyme Disease in the United States that may be affecting millions of people. New research suggests that Lyme Disease is the underlying causative agent of many chronic health conditions. more...
Men's Health
Erectile Dysfunction
Although erectile dysfunction is a common experience of men in over 50, it was the unmentionable topic until a pharmaceutical became available to "treat" the condition. Once Viagra(tm) was approved for use by the FDA, the unmentionable became table conversation. more...
Peyronie's Syndrome
This condition is very disfiguring and causes a great deal of emotional pain and anxiety for men who are affected by it. The condition is one of scarring of the penis (the corpus cavernosum, to be exact) and replacement of the normal erectile tissue with scar tissue. There is also contracture of the supporting fascia, resulting in retraction of the genitalia. more...
Prostate Cancer
The specter of prostate cancer is a worry to many men. Currently, surgery is the primary medical treatment; and is often the only option presented. However, where prostate cancer is concerned, there are definitely some facts you need to know before you consent to any surgical procedure. more...
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
Since this condition is silent, what should you watch for? Early symptoms include: urinating more frequently, especially at night; difficulty beginning urination; urinary stream that's weak or thin... more...
Oseoporosis. A Modern Scourge
You may be very worried about osteoporosis - given the media blitz for bisphosphonate drugs. But, are you aware of common medical interventions that result in osteoporosis? In this letter, I will discuss the most common prescription drugs that contribute to this problem. more...
Strontium Gives Strength
Widely used in Europe but much less so in the US, strontium reduces fracture risk. Strontium ranelate (SR), the most studied form, induces osteoblastogenesis, and has been shown to prevent and to reverse osteoporosis. more...
Shingles Vaccine Caution
AUGUST 2010 I have been asked repeatedly about the wisdom of taking the shingles vaccine, which is being pushed aggressively in the media. There are a number of things you should be aware of before opting for this "therapy." more...
Vaccines and Peanut Allergies
AUGUST 2010 There is an alarming connection between our epidemic of peanut allergies in children and the 68 vaccines on the Mandated Schedule (as of 2011). It is a story that has been covered over, and one every parent should be aware of. Prior to 1900, violent reactions to peanuts were unheard of. Today, there are over 1 million children in America allergic to peanuts. What happened? more...
Vaccines and the Information Blackout
DECEMBER 2010 If you pay attention to health "news," as I do, you must have noticed the current spin. Anyone who opposes vaccination is a kook and is putting the general public in danger. If you have any experience with adverse vaccine reactions, as I have had in my practice, the question immediately arises: "Why are this devastating products still on the market?" This article attempts to shed light on what is going on behind the scenes. more...
FDA Encroaching on Your Freedom of Choice in Health Care
In essence, the FDA is protecting the drug industry by muzzling information about safe and effective, natural alternatives to vaccines. You may have noticed that TV commercials are still being aired, encouraging everyone to get vaccinated against H1N1 "before it's too late." Too late for what? more...
Vaccines may be life-threatening in certain cases. This after a world-wide campaign to eradicate small pox via vaccination. Didn't the risks to people in other parts of the world matter? more...
Swine Flu Vaccine Alert
It seems that the swine flu vaccine contains mercury. If you want mercury-free vaccine, you have to make a special request. Not only do you have to request it, but you have to wait, because it isn't yet available. more...
Weight Loss
The Epidemic of Thyroid Disorders [part 1]
Are you fatigued? Unable to lose weight? Have high cholesterol and have been prescribed statin drugs? You may be suffering from a crucial mineral deficiency. more...
Does Obesity Kill?
Do you believe that obesity "kills"? Or, that being overweight increases your health risks? You certainly aren't alone if you do - the current emphasis on controlling obesity, as a way to control "health care costs" is overwhelming. However, I want to call to your attention a study you've probably never heard about. more...
Alli™ — Weight Loss Boon or Health Fraud?
I want to comment on the hype around Alli™, the newest, over-the-counter weight loss product. I couldn't believe it when it sold out all over the country on the first day of its release. I would like to inject some sanity into the conversation. more...
Body Mass Index Invalid
Finally! The studies have been done, and it has been proven that the new American standards forobesity are unscientific and -- in fact -- wrong! more...
Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss - Is It Even Possible?
Ultra Meal™ is a medical food, suitable as a meal replacement or for weight-loss/maintenance programs. Ultra Meal™ has been studied in comparison to over-the-counter products, specifically, Ultra Meal™, and the results are very interesting. more...
High Carbs and CV Disease
Do you struggle with an inability to lose weight? Or, do you suffer from depression, anxiety and mood swings? Are you constantly tired? Do you have food cravings, or are you addicted to caffeine or alcohol? Has you doctor warned you that you are developing diabetes, or that your cholesterol or blood pressure are too high? All of these seemingly unrelated conditions have a common source: the American preoccupation with low fat diets. more...
Holistic Weight Loss for Both Women and Men [and guys have an advantage, which really isn't fair!]
There's a very good reason why diet after diet fails you. Why you can't seem to lose weight and keep it off no matter how hard you try. If you would really love to be one, two, or several dress sizes slimmer, without starving yourself, running to the gym every day, or going on yet another fad diet, then let me reveal why famous, hyped, fad diets and heavily advertised gimmick "magic" products do not work, and exactly what you can do to achieve real lasting weight loss, make real lifestyle change–and enjoy better health, feel more youthful, and have more vibrant energy. more...
Look Great for Summer
Now that the holidays are over and spring is on the way, you may be concerned about fitting into your shorts and swimsuit. I am pleased to announce that we have just the thing to take off those unwanted pounds and, better yet, change your body shape and metabolism. more..
West Nile Virus
Protect Yourself Against the West Nile Virus
West Nile Virus has reached Southern California. And, if you listen to the media reports, we are all doomed! So, I'd like to interject a little sanity into the discussion, in the form of cold, hard facts. more...
West Nile Virus and St John's Wort
West Nile Virus, although new to the US, is well-documented. The Centers for Disease Control identifies it as a flavivirus, a member of the Togavirus family. It is closely related to yellow fever and dengue fever. This is important because the Togavirus family are encapsulated viruses, i.e., they are covered with a lipid (fatty) coating. more...
Women's Health
Heartburn Drugs Have Unexpected Consequences
Prilosec®, Nexium® and Zantac® (and other similar drugs used to suppress acid production in your stomach) increase osteoporosis, and the risk of hip fracture. more...
Osteoporosis Statistics
This disease was unknown before 1940; if bone density is high before menopause and the rate of bone loss after menopause is slowed, the onset of a bone demineralization disease may not clinically appear until the individual is over 150 years old. more...
Thermal Imaging (Thermography)
Most Americans are personally aware of the impact of breast cancer because one or more women they know and love have succumbed to this disease that kills thousands of women each year. Understandably, women are deadly serious about waging an effective war upon this disease. more...
Herbs. Are they Safe and Effective?
In view of this data and given the relative toxicity of herbs, which are clearly safer than household cleaners we all use on a daily basis, why all the emphasis on herbal dangers? To fully comprehend the situation, I need to explain the concept of risk/benefit ratio. more...
Vitamin D Benefits
Prior to this, the media has hyped the notion that vitamin D is "toxic" and shouldn't be taken in high doses. However, Robbins, et al, Pathologic Basis of Disease clearly states that vitamin D toxicity begins at 1,000,000 IUs per day.,more...
Here We Go Again!!!
Have you seen the latest "health news"? Women should limit weight gain in pregnancy, due to an increase in obesity in toddlers! more...
Protect Yourself Against the West Nile Virus
West Nile Virus has reached Southern California. And, if you listen to the media reports, we are all doomed! So, I'd like to interject a little sanity into the discussion, in the form of cold, hard facts. I researched this information on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) web site, in my medical microbiology texts, and on a consumer-friendly informational site. The statistics are all from the CDC. more...
Coral Calcium Alert
It has come to my attention that Coral Calcium can be very dangerous to people who are allergic to shrimp and shellfish. more...
Women's Health | hormone replacement therapy
Hormone Replacement Therapy
A longitudinal study is based on tracking many women over many years as they use hormones, and watching what happens. The study was abruptly cancelled due to the severity of the side effects. more...
Hormone Replacement Therapy: Is it for me?
Because we've been hearing more and more and more and more haven't we about women, menopause, and all of the different drug treatments available for menopause. It seems like it's the thing that's in the news more than anything else recently. I'll just give you folks just a couple of minutes here. So did most of you feel like you had a definite opinion on most of these questions? They're all false. Every single last one of them is false. more...
Herbs - Variations in Quality and Non-Estrogenic Menopausal Relief
There's a great deal of misinformation regarding herbs and particularly in the area of 'standardized extracts.' Often, a standardized extract simply means that there is a defined weight of herb per ml of extract. The problem comes in the quality of the raw materials. Let me give you two examples. more...
Women's Health | pregnancy
Breast Cancer
Even though breast-sparing treatment of cancer has proven to be as effective in prolonging life in Stage l & Stage II breast cancer as mastectomy, mastectomy continues to be the treatment of choice. It is not clear whether women are making informed decisions, or whether doctors are still misrepresenting mastectomy as a "sure thing." more...
Does Mamography Save Lives?
According to Dr. Charles J. Wright of the University of British Columbia and Dr. C. Barber Muelle of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, there is no proof yet that mammography screening saves lives. In fact, no clinical trial has ever found any benefit whatsoever to women under the age of 40, and there is now a cloud of doubt that hangs over the claim that mammography screening has value to older women. more...
Here We Go Again!!!
Have you seen the latest "health news"? Women should limit weight gain in pregnancy, due to an increase in obesity in toddlers! more...
Vitamin E, Asthma, and Pre-natal Risk
They found that low intake of vitamin E during pregnancy was associated with a higher risk among offspring for developing persistent asthma, beginning during the first two years of life and continuing to at least until age five. more...
Fish Oils Supplements Vital During Pregnancy
This is a huge win for all pregnant women and their babies. FINALLY, it has been demonstrated that babies born to women who take fish oil supplements in the last trimester of pregnancy have better neurological development. more...
Estrogen Cancer
Estrogen and cancer risk. It's been almost a year since the initial announcement that estrogen therapy increases a woman's risk of cancer. This is true even of bioidentical hormones, which many doctors have turned to as an alternative to Premarin®. more...
Women's Health | reproductive cancer
Estrogen and Cancer/Osteoporosis/Fish Oils and Pregnancy — At Last!!Estrogen and cancer risk. It's been almost a year since the initial announcement that estrogen therapy increases a woman's risk of cancer. This is true even of bioidentical hormones, which many doctors have turned to as an alternative to Premarin®. more...
Endocrine and Reproductive Cancer
The three leading causes of death in America (when you include peripheral vascular disease, which is number 3) are diseases of lifestyle, and our health care system offers little or no lifestyle counseling, focusing instead on early detection. more...
Estrogen and Cancer Risk - 1 Year Later
Estrogen and cancer risk. It's been almost a year since the initial announcement that estrogen therapy increases a woman's risk of cancer. This is true even of bioidentical hormones, which many doctors have turned to as an alternative to Premarin®. more...
The Truth About Estrogen
On December 20, 2000, the morning news programs were full of the "latest" health news - this time concerning estrogen and hormone replacement therapy. If you didn't hear it, the announcement was that estrogen is carcinogenic and women should rethink their use of it for prolonged periods. more...
Women's Health | osteoperosis
Oseoporosis. A Modern Scourge
You may be very worried about osteoporosis - given the media blitz for bisphosphonate drugs. But, are you aware of common medical interventions that result in osteoporosis? In this letter, I will discuss the most common prescription drugs that contribute to this problem. more...
Strontium Gives Strength
Widely used in Europe but much less so in the US, strontium reduces fracture risk. Strontium ranelate (SR), the most studied form, induces osteoblastogenesis, and has been shown to prevent and to reverse osteoporosis. more...
Analysis of Misleading Medical Study re Calcium and Osteoporosis
Are you as tired as I am of all these "scientific studies" designed to demonstrate that what you really need is drugs? The latest in a long list of poorly designed – or possibly, purposefully rigged – studies is the latest, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, on February 16, 2006. more...
Dangers of Osteoporosis Drugs
FINALLY! A study being presented this week (March 11, 2010) at the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons' annual meeting links the use of bisphosphonates (Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, etc.) to an increased risk of fracture in women, particularly in the hip and thigh. more...
Vitamin D Benefits
Prior to this, the media has hyped the notion that vitamin D is "toxic" and shouldn't be taken in high doses. However, Robbins, et al, Pathologic Basis of Disease clearly states that vitamin D toxicity begins at 1,000,000 IUs per day. more...
Osteoporosis Affects Everyone
Since 1986 we've had a lot of media attention about osteoporosis, you know, Fosamax, and protect your bones and it goes on and on and on. And a lot of women are receiving estrogen prescriptions to "prevent the development of osteoporosis." This is a sideline, I'd just like to say to you, there is no proof that estrogen prevents osteoporosis. more...
Heartburn Drugs Have Unexpected Consequences
Prilosec®, Nexium® and Zantac® (and other similar drugs used to suppress acid production in your stomach) increase osteoporosis, and the risk of hip fracture. more...
One of the most common questions I am asked - and one of the most difficult to answer is "Doctor, what calcium should I take?" There is no easy and straightforward answer to that. I am, however, very glad that everyone is becoming more aware of the importance of calcium - particularly since it is so deficient in most American diets. more...
© 2008 This site or any part may not be reproduced without the written consent of Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC, DABCI, FIACA at 242 South Glendora CA 91741. 626.963.1678. This site is Not intended to dispense health advice or serve as a substitute for actual patient contact with a qualified healthcare provider. Our sole purpose is one of education. It is our expectation that our site can educate our visitors about the efficacy of some healthcare treatments that exist as an alternative to conventional medical wisdom.
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