The "War on Cancer" Has Been Lost!
Despite a $10 million/year, 30-year investment in fighting cancer by the U.S. Government, the mortality from cancer is higher than ever. (NEJM, Bailer & Smith, 1986, 314:1226-1232)
An American woman's odds of developing breast cancer in 1960 were 1:17; in 1984, they were 1:11; now, the odds are 1:9. The Kellogg Report, Beasley & Swift, 1989, p.341
Dr. Hardin Jones, professor of Medical Physics at the University of California, after studying cancer statistics for the previous 33 years, concluded: 'my studies have proven conclusively that untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals.' Ibid., p. 341
Despite an all-out war on cancer over the past 20 years, people are developing malignancies at a higher rate than ever before - even after accounting for smoking and the fact that people are living longer. These increased rates appear highest in the youngest group analyzed - "baby boomers" born between 1948 and 1957. Science News, Vol. 145, p. 102.
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