Cancer management, nutritional therapy and supportive cancer care and disclaimer concerning scope of practice
Please read the following important legal information before proceeding further.The Richards Family Health Center offers supportive (adjunctive) care for patients with malignant disease.
We wish to emphasize that supportive care given here is not offered as a primary treatment for cancer. It is not intended to replace standard medical care of surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy. It is the conventional medical view that untreated cancer is a progressive disease which, in the great majority of instances, ends in death.
The patient coming to our clinic for supportive care should be aware that conventional medical therapies are highly effective in bringing cure and/or prolonged remissions for certain types and stages of malignancies. Some examples are:
Non-melanomatous skin cancers: In their early stages, the cure rates approach 100%.
Stage I (localized) breast cancer: Surgery and/or radiation brings cure rates of approximately 90%.
Hodgkins disease: In early or limited disease the cure rates approach 90%. With more advanced stages the cure rates are somewhat reduced, but still favorable for cure or remission.
Seminoma (testicular cell cancer): This form of cancer is highly curable with chemotherapy. Even in disseminated disease the cure rate is over 50%.
Since a nutritional deficiency may or may not be associated with a specific disease, or it may be the cause of the disease, or it may occur as a result of that disease, it is important for you to understand fully that our sole concern in your case will be your nutritional program and your ability to metabolize and utilize the nutrients you consume.
We will not diagnose, treat or cure any specific disease and the nutritional recommendations we make based on laboratory tests, physical examination, clinical findings, history and symptoms, do not constitute treatment for any disease or affliction real or imagined by you. In addition, we specifically do not treat the disease of cancer. If you desire treatment for malignancy (cancer), you should place yourself at the disposal of another doctor who employs the only recognized cancer treatment procedures in the United States which consist of- surgery, chemotherapy, high energy radiation and/or hormone therapy.
For all patients with malignant disease coming to our clinic for supportive care, we urge them to continue with regular, ongoing visits to an appropriate medical specialist (surgeon, radiologist, and/or oncologist). For those patients with potentially curable malignancy (curable by conventional means), such visits are required as a condition for acceptance for our care.
In the nutritional management of a case, we routinely prescribe numerous vitamins, minerals, and enzymes and we do not want you to have any misconceptions about their use in this clinic. In the event that any vitamin, mineral, food or physical therapy device is prescribed or administered in your case, we want you to understand explicitly that its purpose will be for:
1. The improvement of your overall nutritional status
2. To improve your metabolism
3. For improvement of the sense of well-being
4. To improve appetite
5. For gain or reduction in weight
6. For possible remission or reduction of pain where present.
However, you must understand that you may not receive any of these benefits because they do not occur predictably with every patient - and in some cases they may not occur at all.
We want you to understand that our viewpoint concerning NUTRITION and the need for certain nutrients is not necessarily shared by the American Medical Association, the Food and Drug Administration and the American Cancer Society, or other similar agency or organization.
Does this apply to you? Is so, see our information on Consultations.
Cancer Therapies
STAGE I: Carcinoma in situ. The cells are all contained within the original location
STAGE II: Cancer cells have traveled to adjacent lymph nodes
STAGE III: The cancer has begun invading adjacent tissues
STAGE IV: The cancer has spread to distant site(s) in the body with "daughter" tumors arising in tissues unrelated to the original location
Recognized Cancer Therapies
High energy radiation
Hormone therapy
Unconventional (Alternative) Therapies
Immunotherapy (orthomolecular nutrition, bovine serum, auto-sera, etc.);
Metabolic therapy;
Kelly treatment;
Gerson; and,
Psychological therapy (psychoneuroimmunology).
Effectiveness & Side Effects of Conventional Therapy
> Surgery
The most valuable of all the orthodox forms of treatment; Best utilized in Stages I and II, with some value in Stage III; and Little value in Stage IV disease.
Significant advances in surgery have occurred in the last 40 years: New surgical techniques; Improved pain relief; Antibiotics that improve treatment of post-surgical infection; Better and safer blood supply; and Superior follow-up care (specifically, intensive care).
Surgical removal of malignant disease is most beneficial in cancer of: Breast, stomach, small intestine, colon, bladder, uterus, kidney, testicle, ovary, brain, bone & muscle
> Chemotherapy
Very popular, least effective of the major forms of orthodox treatment. 3 categories of agents: Alkylating Agents - a chemical attachment of a molecule to part of the DNA strand which interferes with cell division; Anti Metabolites - blocking the cellular metabolic process; Mitotic Inhibitors - prevents the chromosomes from duplicating themselves; eventually the colony of cancer cells dies. ALL CHEMOTHERARPEUTIC AGENTS ARE SYSTEMIC POISONS
Side effects include: Bone marrow depression, resulting in death from infection, massive hemorrhage of severe anemia; Gastrointestinal complaints, including vomiting, nausea and malabsorption; Skin reactions; Hair loss; and Suppression of the immune system that is needed to destroy the tumor.
> Hormone Therapy
Used only with hormone-dependent cancers: lymphatic system, breast and prostate. Therefore, have limited applicability
Side effects include: Feminization in men and masculinization in women; and immunosuppression
> Radiation
Second most effective of orthodox treatments. Destroys dividing cancer cells and increases scarring in the area irradiated. Scar tissue is believed to resist further malignant invasion.
Most effective on rapidly growing tumors which are very primitive. Not effective in colon and stomach cancer since it would destroy the lining of the digestive tract and the person would starve to death.
Side effects include: Extreme fatigue; Nausea and vomiting; Bone marrow suppression; Hair loss; and Permanent scarring of area. SECONDARY TUMORS WHICH RESULT FROM RADIATION THERAPY ARE RESISTANT TO ALL FORMS OF THERAPY. THEREFORE, LOWEST POSSIBLE EFFECTIVE DOSE IS CRUCIAL.
Radiation produces free radicals, which are believed to be the mechanism of cancer production. Some authorities prohibit the use of anti-oxidant vitamin supplementation while undergoing radiation. Other clinicians feel that anti-oxidant therapy lessens the systemic side effects and improves outcomes for patients undergoing radiotherapy.
Unconventional Cancer Therapies (i.e. unaccepted in US)
> Laetrile
Laetrile is an artificial compound patented in 1958 by Krebs & Krebs. Amygdalin is a more complex, but similar substance and is found naturally in the seeds of rosaceae (almonds, apricot pits) and a little in the seeds of most fruits (including apples!). Since the active ingredient is believed to be cyanide, dosages need to be monitored by a periodic urinary thiocyanate test to prevent overdose.
Laetrile acts upon cancer cells selectively, since they lack the enzyme to neutralize the free cyanide which is released when laetrile is metabolized. Normal cells have this enzyme in abundance! Also, laetrile metabolism releases benzaldehyde which, in the acid intracellular pH of the cancer cell, destroys the lipid coating of the cell membrane. As a result, the cancer cells breaks apart. Normal cells maintain an intracellular pH greater than 7.4 and benzaldehyde is normally metabolized and excreted under those conditions.
> Psychoneuroimmunology
O. Carl Simonton, MD, a radiologist, was treating cancer patients in the mid-1970s at an Air Force hospital. He began experimenting with otherwise terminal patients with psychological therapy, including biofeedback and visualization. The process focused on desensitization, addressing fears, adding flexibility to rigid thinking and releasing anger and resentment. In their advanced cancer patients, an outcome study showed that patients using these techniques doubled their survival times. For example, breast cancer patients with an average 16-month survival time under conventional treatment averaged 31 months with Dr. Simonton's techniques. The Carl Simonton Clinic is in Palos Verdes, California. For best results, these techniques should be combined with metabolic types of therapy.
> Coley's mixed toxins
At the turn of the century, a surgeon named William B. Coley discovered that cancer patients who developed a severe infection went into remission. He worked with advanced cancer patients (56% were inoperable, terminal cases). He innoculated them with strep cultures and achieved a 47% recovery, with survival times between 5 and 80 years. (International Cancer Conference, London, 1978)
> Burton's immunotherapy
Lawrence Burton, Ph.D. in microbiology, doing research on mice discovered a tumor antigen that would stimulate the immune system to produce tumor antibodies. He developed a method of producing a serum from the patient's own blood that contained these antibodies (auto-sera). Unfortunately, at last report Dr. Burton's clinic in the Bahamas was being forced to shut down due to U.S. pressure on the government there.
> Krebiozen
Andrerw Ivy, M.D., formulated a substance from horse serum which was produced by the horses after injection with actinomyces bovis. The FDR claimed the substance was fraudulent and banned the use of Krebiozen in the early 60s. It is believed that the substance acted as an immunostimulant.
> Gerson therapy
Max Gerson, MD, practiced in New York in the 1930's and 1940's. He established a dietary regime involving the juice of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as raw liver extract and detoxifying coffee enemas. His work, too, was outlawed in the US. The clinic he established in Mexico still exists and was being operated by his wife at last report. The high potassium content of the fresh fruit juices alters intracellular pH in the cancer cell, killing it.
> Metabolic therapy
This is a combination of many of the non-conventional programs and includes:
Identifying and eliminating environmental poisons; Correcting vitamin and mineral deficiencies; Addressing functional digestive problems; Utilizing a diet that is non-toxic and immune stimulating; Reinforcing the immune system through nutrients, herbs and diet; Use of proteolytic animal and vegetable enzymes to seek out and destroy the cancer cell; Detoxifying the body from cancer by-products; and, Emphasizes a positive mental attitude towards overcoming cancer.
nal Factors Associated with Decreased Cancer Risk
> Low Fat Diet
> Low Cholesterol Diet
> High F
Does this apply to you? Is so, see our information in Consultations.
Nutritional Factors Associated with Decreased Cancer Risk
> Low Fat Diet> Low Cholesterol Diet
> High Fiber Diet
> Vegetarian Diet (Plenty of fruits and vegetables)
Smoked, Pickled and Salt Cured Foods
Fried Foods
Partially Hydrogenated Oils
Excessive Amounts of Polyunsaturated Oils
Specific Nutrients Associated with Decreased Cancer Risk:
Beta Carotine
Folic Acid
Pyridoxine Vitamin B6
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin B 12
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Phytosterols (Cholesterol Analogs Found in Plants) (Not for Diabetics)
Omega 6 Fatty Acids
Essential Factors in a Healthy Diet
[Contact RFHC for a copy of the Cave Man Diet]
Does this apply to you? Is so, see our information on Consultations.
Vitamins and Cancer
On April 2, 2012 on the Fox morning news, I saw an interview that raised red flags for me. I'd like to share my concerns. The gentleman was an oncologist and was being interviewed regarding ways to avoid getting cancer. The headline of the segment was "Do vitamins give you cancer?" more...
What is Cancer?
In the broadest sense, it is a series of genetic errors almost always caused by damages from outside the organism (risk factors or carcinogens) Progressive genetic damage results in the "switching on" of cancerous growth. This is a multi-stage process that can be reversed, as well as advanced, by external factors
There are plenty of carcinogens in our food supply: more...
Cancer as a Disease of Lifestyle
The Global 2000 Report to the President, states that "envlronmental (l.e., exogenous non genetic) factors contribute 80 to 90% of the present cancer cases. more...
An Asprin a Day Can Give You Cancer
So many people today are taking an aspirin a day - many upon the recommendation of their doctors and many simply because they think it is the "healthy" thing to do. However, a recent study involving 88,000 nurses revealed a 58% increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer among those who took 2 or more aspirins per week for 20 years or more. more...
Estrogen and Cancer/GERD Meds/Fish Oils and Pregnancy At Last!!
The first issue: Estrogen and cancer risk. It's been almost a year since the initial announcement that estrogen therapy increases a woman's risk of cancer. This is true even of bioidentical hormones, which many doctors have turned to as an alternative to Premarin®. more...
The Pancreatic Cancer Scourge
The recent death of Patrick Swayze hit me hard. He was younger than I, and has always seemed to me to be a person who stood up for honor and integrity. But, what hit me hardest was how unnecessary it was. more...
Schlock "Science" Attempts to Debunk Vitamin D Effect on Cancer
Study Shows No Link Between Vitamin D Level and Cancer Deaths Except for Colorectal Cancer." Sounds authoritative, doesn't it? But, if you dig a little deeper, you find out that this so-called "study" can hardly be termed a study at all. more...
Endocrine and Reproductive Cancer
The three leading causes of death in America (when you include peripheral vascular disease, which is number 3) are diseases of lifestyle, and our health care system offers little or no lifestyle counseling, focusing instead on early detection. more...
Vitamin D Benefits
Prior to this, the media has hyped the notion that vitamin D is "toxic" and shouldn't be taken in high doses. However, Robbins, et al, Pathologic Basis of Disease clearly states that vitamin D toxicity begins at 1,000,000 IUs per day. more...
Vitamin Propaganda Continues
I am completely disgusted and seriously alarmed by the tenor of "health news" of late. Have you noticed? Everything is aimed at discrediting vitamins. more...
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
Since this condition is silent, what should you watch for? Early symptoms include: urinating more frequently, especially at night; difficulty beginning urination; urinary stream that's weak or thin... more...
The "War on Cancer" Has Been Lost!
Despite a $10 million/year, 30-year investment in fighting cancer by the U.S. Government, the mortality from cancer is higher than ever. (NEJM, Bailer & Smith, 1986, 314:1226-1232) more...
© 2013, Dr N Rowan Richards. This site or any part may not be reproduced without the written consent of Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC, DABCI, FIACA at 727 Lee Court, Twin Falls ID 83301. 626.303.3162. This site is Not intended to dispense health advice or serve as a substitute for actual patient contact with a qualified healthcare provider. Our sole purpose is one of education. It is our expectation that our site can educate our visitors about the efficacy of some healthcare treatments that exist as an alternative to conventional medical wisdom.
PRIVACY POLICY: Richards Family Health Center takes your privacy very seriously. Be assured that we do not sell or rent your contact information to anyone.