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Note: we suggest that you select the following text and copy it to a word document so that you may answer the questions and email back to us at the address above.
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Privacy Assurance
You have our solemn promise that we will not mishandle your personal information. We will not sell it, lease it or trade it or in any other way make it available to anyone. We simply want to communicate with you - if you desire it.© 2013, Dr N Rowan Richards. This site or any part may not be reproduced without the written consent of Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC, DABCI, FIACA at 727 Lee Court, Twin Falls ID 83301. 626.303.3162. This site is Not intended to dispense health advice or serve as a substitute for actual patient contact with a qualified healthcare provider. Our sole purpose is one of education. It is our expectation that our site can educate our visitors about the efficacy of some healthcare treatments that exist as an alternative to conventional medical wisdom.
PRIVACY POLICY: Richards Family Health Center takes your privacy very seriously. Be assured that we do not sell or rent your contact information to anyone.