On April 2, 2012 on the Fox morning news, I saw an interview that raised red flags for me. I'd like to share my concerns. The gentleman was an oncologist and was being interviewed regarding ways to avoid getting cancer. The headline of the segment was "Do vitamins give you cancer?" The doctor's advice was minimal, to say the least: exercise regularly, lose weight, reduce stress and, above all, don't take vitamins since studies indicate they give you cancer. He cited no studies, nor did he give any examples. It seemed that the entire point of the segment was to make vitamins suspect. When asked whether or not sugar was a problem with cancer, his answer was to the effect of "everything in moderation."
I have several problems with this "news" segment.
So far, in America, we have escaped. However, there is a concerted propaganda campaign to mold public opinion. If the public can be brain washed, then vitamins can be controlled; and those of us who depend upon them will be out of luck. My advice is that, whenever you see or hear this sort of propaganda, you raise a ruckus with the station or media outlet involved. We need to be vigilant in protecting what few health care rights we have left.
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