Heart Health

Is Running Enough?

The current "wisdom'' about cardiovascular disease is almost entirely in error. My research on the subject Cardiovascular Fitness - Is Running Enough? has certainly been eye-opening.

[Contact the RFHC for a copy of the audio tape, Cardiovascular Fitness, Is Running Enough?]

Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer in the United States - a distinction it has held for decades. It's enough to make one question what we think we know. If we have all the answers, shouldn't the statistics bear this out?

All of the emphasis on "low fat" and "no fat" is completely backwards. The real culprits are refined sugars and, above all, refined white flour. Did you know that during the Blitz in England in WWII, when refined products were unavailable, deaths from heart failure dropped to almost zero? Cardiovascular disease was almost unknown in the United States before 1920. Now everyone knows what a scourge "heart trouble" is.

Epidemiologic studies from all over the world demonstrate that degenerative disease (and, in particularly cardiovascular disease) begins to show up in populations within 20 to 25 years of the introduction of "refined" foods. "Refined" is a cosmetic term for the extraction process. First, all the 37 vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids are taken out of wheat, and then four B vitamins are added back. This process is termed "enrichment." The following observation made by Joseph Nichols in 1974 seems quite pertinent to me: "Suppose a mugger ordered you at gun point to strip down to your birthday suit, giving up clothing, shoes, underwear, wallet, credit cards, jewelry - everything you possess. Then, should the thief take pity on you and return your wedding band, your socks and perhaps your topcoat to cover your nakedness so you could get home, you might feel 'enriched,' but I doubt it. That's the equivalent of what's taking place in the food industry." (The Kellogg Report, Beardsley et al.)

Currently, the American diet consists of 75% "refined" carbohydrates, with less than 25% of the foodstuffs being meat, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. This means that the average American eats less than 25% of the foodstuffs we have been genetically adapted to over the centuries! We have changed our nutrient intake dramatically in what is essentially the "blink of an eye."

Another significant, yet little publicized fact, is that between 1970 and 1990, vitamin sales increased 4.4 times (that's 440%); and, during the same period, deaths from cardiovascular disease dropped by over one-third. (Statistics from US Dept of Commerce & The National Center for Health Statistics) Perhaps there's a clue in that?

Actually, heart conditions (and heart failure, in particular) are very correctable by proper nutrition. Many natural health authorities believe that heart failure is nothing more than subclinical beriberi. Beriberi is a deficiency disease from the lack of vitamin B1. The heart muscle has the highest requirement for vitamin B1 of any part of the body. It makes sense, therefore, that any problems in getting adequate amounts of vitamin B1 would show up first in the heart. White rice, white sugar and processed flour contain no vitamin B1. "Enrichment" of flour adds miniscule amounts of B1 that is then damaged and degraded in the cooking and preparation processes to which flour is subjected. One of the best sources of vitamin B1 is liver. How long has it been since you've had any? Organic only, please - and don't worry about the cholesterol content!

There's much more information on this topic. If you'd like more details, call the RFHC and order the tape of our latest lecture for yourself and your friends who are worried about the heart and/or cholesterol levels. They'll learn a great deal of life saving information.

[Contact RFHC for a copy of the Cave Man Diet]

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