I want to update you on what's happening at the RFHC. You may have noticed that you have not received the fall edition of Healthy Answers. That's because the publisher is expanding the format to include topics on a wider variety of health issues. Therefore, the magazine will resume early next year.
Also, I want to thank all of you who participated in our recent survey. We have received the collated results and are working to answer your concerns. Currently, we are doing the research preparatory to making some significant changes in both treatment protocols and our billing structure. Watch your mail for an update. I anticipate finalizing everything around the first of the year.
On November 20, 2000, the Los Angeles Times, in its "Health" section ran an article entitled "Hard to Swallow." According to the "experts" cited in the report, you can get all the water you need from eating fruits and vegetables. Maybe, if you're a tortoise. However, for those of us who want to maintain good health and strong bodies, this information is shortsighted, at best. Water is essential to metabolism. Everything you put in your mouth and which is absorbed is eventually filtered out of your bloodstream by your kidneys. The recommended amount of water daily is one-half your body weight times 0.8 (representing an 8 oz glass).
Body weight/2 x 0.8 = Water requirement
For example, if you weigh 120lbs, one-half of your body weight is 60lbs. Multiply that number by 0.8, and you need 48 oz of water daily (or 6, 8 oz glasses). Substitute your own weight into the equation to find out how much water you need.
There are several important reasons why it is important that you drink enough water. In particular, water will alleviate fatigue. If you experience mid-afternoon doldrums, try a glass of water and see if it doesn't perk up your energy. Additionally, many Americans experience constipation. Did you realize that optimally your bowel should evacuate approximately 20 minutes after you eat? The gastrocolic reflex is initiated when food enters the stomach, causing the lower bowel to empty its contents. The longer your colon retains fecal material, the greater the impact the toxic chemicals in the stool have on the intestinal mucosa. Some authorities correlate constipation with an increase in colon cancer. A leading cause of constipation for Americans is hard, dry stools. Drinking sufficient quantities of water (not caffeinated beverages) is the simplest and healthiest way to improve bowel function. Finally, extra fluid is particularly important when you fly, because you dehydrate more quickly at higher altitudes. Drink adequate water to minimize the effects of jet lag.
In my opinion (and personal experience), the LA Times article is just another example of junk reporting. Since medicine doesn't deal with optimum health, keeping healthy is outside of the training of most medical doctors. I suspect in a few years, we will be hearing "Be sure you drink enough water to stay healthy." We've seen ÂŒmedical experts' flip flop before, on many other issues.
In the meantime, position yourself on the side of optimum health. If you need a personalized nutrition program, call the office and make an appointment so that we can set you on the path to vibrant health.
Does this apply to you? If so, see our information on Consultations.
© 2011 Richards Family Health Center. This site or any part may not be reproduced without the written consent of Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC, DABCI, FIACA at 242 South Glendora CA 91741. 626 963 1678. email:richardsfhc@richardsfamilyhealth.com. This site is Not intended to dispense health advice or serve as a substitute for actual patient contact with a qualified healthcare provider. Our sole purpose is one of education. It is our expectation that our site can educate our visitors about the efficacy of some healthcare treatments that exist as an alternative to conventional medical wisdom.
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