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herbs. are they safe and effective?
rehmannia complex - a better choice than cortisone for pain control?
herbs - variations in quality and non-estrogenic menopausal relief
herbal alternative to flu shots
high carbs and cardio vascular disease
hormone replacement therapy
erectile dysfunction
safe supplements and the fear of mad cow disease
the truth about estrogen
how much water should I drink?
an asprin a day can give you cancer
aluminum toxicity
cholarest (R)
CoQ10 drug depletion
lyme disease. the great imitator
healthy weight loss
coral calcium alert
protect yourself against west nile virus
west nile virus and st john's wort
death by medicine
the flu and st johns wort
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Cholarest (R)
vitamin E and health
body mass index invalid
is your doctor dangerous to your health?
medical study re calcium and osteoporosis misleading
spring is here and allergies are blooming
vitamin E and pregnancy
estrogen and cancer risk - 1 year later
heartburn drugs have unexpected consequences
fish oils supplements vital during pregnancy
finnish antioxidant study
seasonal allergy relief
osteoporosis, calcium supplements and drug therapy
prenatal vitamin E intake and childhood asthma
the dangers of splenda
holiday season, diathermy and your health
the flu and diathermy
Combatting the Swine Flu Hysteria
Surviving a Flu Pandemic
Alternative Health Care News
Sign-up to receive our newsletter by emailAlarming Developments in Health Care What They Mean To You
Get ready for a health care police state. There are many trends that you need to know about, and that I find alarming. A recent article (The Bakersfield Californian, Wednesday, December 7, 2011) highlights a few of the more alarming developments. more...
Urgent Health Care Alert!
This just came across my desk. It is a chart of the new bureaucracies created by the proposals currently on the table in Congress an ObamaCare nightmare! more...
Medical Fascism Hidden in Stimulus Bill fm Natural Soln's Foundation
The stimulus plan contains provisions regarding national health care that will mean the end of medical services as we now know them. Care for the elderly will be established based upon life expectancy, rather than benefit. In addition, the requirement that all doctors and hospitals "go electronic" so that their actions can be monitored imposes an enormous cost on doctors and hospitals. more...
Protect Your Access to Health Care
Have you been paying attention to the information coming out about the Health Care Plan as people have the opportunity to read the bill? more...
Schlock "Science" Attempts to Debunk Vitamin D Effect on Cancer
Study Shows No Link Between Vitamin D Level and Cancer Deaths Except for Colorectal Cancer." Sounds authoritative, doesn't it? But, if you dig a little deeper, you find out that this so-called "study" can hardly be termed a study at all. more...
Vitamin Propaganda – Do Vitamins Really Shorten Your Life?
Are you dismayed by recent news reports that tell you not to take vitamins, because they may shorten your life? I can't tell you how upset I have been by this disinformation campaign. more...
Busting Nutrition Myths
The current "wisdom" about cardiovascular disease is almost entirely in error. My research on the subject Cardiovascular Fitness - Is Running Enough? has certainly been eye-opening. more...
Death by Medicine
I submitted an article detailing the effectiveness of St. John's Wort with West Nile Virus to a PR website where reporters research information for broadcast/publication. We got almost 88,000 hits, but no one wanted to disseminate the information. I spoke to one reporter with a newspaper in the Inland Empire. more...
Is Your Doctor Dangerous to Your Health
The most serious threat to the health of the American public is the number of doctors who know they can never get well! Do you find that statement shocking? more...
Safe Supplements and the Fear of Mad Cow Disease
Were you alarmed by the article regarding supplements in the Sunday LA Times on February 11th? The author attributed a slight dip in supplement sales to a lack of consumer confidence in their efficacy and worry about mad cow disease. more...
FDA Encroaching on Your Freedom of Choice in Health Care
In essence, the FDA is protecting the drug industry by muzzling information about safe and effective, natural alternatives to vaccines. You may have noticed that TV commercials are still being aired, encouraging everyone to get vaccinated against H1N1 "before it's too late." Too late for what? more...
Vitamin Propaganda Continues
I am completely disgusted and seriously alarmed by the tenor of "health news" of late. Have you noticed? Everything is aimed at discrediting vitamins. more...
CODEX, Supplements and Dianne Feinstein
As promised, here is the text of the letter Senator Feinstein sent one of my clients in response to her inquiry concerning the availability of supplements if CODEX is implemented in the U.S. I have crossed out her name and e-mail address to protect her privacy. more...
Health Blog
Below is my latest post on my blog (or web log, if you are not terribly web savvy, like me). You can visit the site at for updates on news-worthy health related items.
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© 2013, Dr N Rowan Richards. This site or any part may not be reproduced without the written consent of Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC, DABCI, FIACA at 727 Lee Court, Twin Falls ID 83301. 626.303.3162. This site is Not intended to dispense health advice or serve as a substitute for actual patient contact with a qualified healthcare provider. Our sole purpose is one of education. It is our expectation that our site can educate our visitors about the efficacy of some healthcare treatments that exist as an alternative to conventional medical wisdom.
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