Shingles Vaccine Caution
I have been asked repeatedly about the wisdom of taking the shingles vaccine, which is being pushed aggressively in the media. There are a number of things you should be aware of before opting for this "therapy."
First of all, this is a "live virus" vaccine. That means that there is actual herpes zoster in the preparation, although in attenuated form. Why is that a problem? Because the attenuated virus can still give you the disease. This is the same sort of vaccine that was responsible for all cases of polio in the U.S. before it was taken off the market in the late 1990s.
Since this virus causes shingles, why would you want to inject the virus directly into your system?
Another fact that you may not be aware of is that the vaccine only reduces the incidence of shingles by about 51%. The Centers for Disease Control web site also notes that it reduces post-herpetic neuralgia by 67%. I believe that to be the main reason doctors are pushing the vaccine, because they have no effective treatment for shingles, or the neuralgia that often follows. Fortunately, there is a natural therapy that is very effective. (See below)
While the CDC web site states that there is no documentation of anyone contracting shingles after receiving the vaccine, I have a serious disagreement with that statement. How would they know? The medical profession never considers vaccines as a possible source of infection. It took them almost 50 years to determine that the polio vaccine was dangerous. In my practice, I have seen more shingles since the vaccine was introduced than ever before.
There are large numbers of people who definitely should not take this vaccine. Again, from the CDC web site:
- 1. Any one who has a severe allergy to gelatin (think beef), the antibiotic neomycin or any other component of the vaccine (which they don't detail, by the way).
- 2. Any one who has severe allergies, in general.
- 3. A person with a weakened immune system due to HIV/AIDS or other disease that affects the immune system.
- 4. Any one using steroids.
- 5. A cancer patient who has been given radiation of chemotherapy treatments.
- 6. A person with a history of cancer affecting the bone marrow or lymphatic system (leukemia, multiple myeloma).
- 7. Anyone who may be pregnant.
Where post-herpetic neuralgia is concerned, the combination of SJW and Nevaton (another Medi-Herb product that is trophorestorative to the nerves) is very effective. The length of time it takes to resolve the condition is dependent upon how long it has been present. Again, it is a matter of "the sooner the better."
Both my sister and I suffer from recurrent shingles, particularly in response to stress. I routinely take SJW daily to prevent outbreaks. An added benefit: SJW protects against West Nile Virus, influenza, herpes and other enveloped viruses. (more information)
If you or anyone you know suffers from herpes or shingles, contact the Clinic so that we may assist you in recovering from, and preventing, further outbreaks.
Link to CDC website or download the pdf.
Health Alert - Vaccines and Peanut Allergies
There is an alarming connection between our epidemic of peanut allergies in children and the 68 vaccines on the Mandated Schedule (as of 2011). It is a story that has been covered over, and one every parent should be aware of.
Prior to 1900, violent reactions to peanuts were unheard of. Today, there are over 1 million children in America allergic to peanuts. What happened?1
This issue is extremely serious because peanut allergy has suddenly emerged as the #1 cause of death from food reactions.2 The reaction is anaphylactic, causing swelling and obstruction of the air passages, which is life threatening. It also increases the risk of asthma attacks.
A look at the change in the Mandated Schedule for vaccines illustrates this problem:
in 1980 20 vaccines mandated
in 1995 40 vaccines mandated
in 2011 68 vaccines mandated
New research published in Heather Fraser’s 2011 book, The Peanut Allergy Epidemic, illuminates the vaccine connection much more specifically. Peanut oil is used as a vaccine excipient. And, this usage has become increasingly widespread until, by the 1980s, it was the preferred excipient. Prior to 1980, peanut oil was used occasionally, or not at all.
An excipient is defined as a component other than the original medication. This is a problem with vaccines, because it is so difficult to define the original “medication” in a vaccine. In general, excipients are the substances added to preserve, stabilize or otherwise dilute the viral antigens.3
Peanut oil (even the most refined) still contains some traces of intact peanut proteins. Intact proteins do not belong in the human body. The digestive system is designed to break down these antigenic substances into peptides and amino acids, non-allergenic building blocks of proteins, which your body then uses to build tissue.
This contamination with intact, allergy inducing proteins is why doctors are directed to inject vaccines intramuscularly, rather than intravenously in hopes of lessening the chance of reactions. However, it is obvious from the epidemic of peanut allergies that this measure has been inadequate.
As Helen Fraser states in her book (2, p.106), “The peanut allergy epidemic in children was precipitated by childhood injections.”
So, our children are being injected with a substance that can cause life-threatening allergic reactions, and what was the government’s response? The first study of peanut allergies that focused on the use of peanut oil in vaccines was conducted in 1973. Soon afterwards, and as a result of that study, manufacturers were no longer required to disclose all of the ingredients in their vaccines, thereby limiting their liability. The detailed information became “proprietary” and the precise ingredient list was no longer disclosed.
However, childhood vaccination has become the sacred cow of pediatrics. Many of the parents in my practice, who do not wish to have their children vaccinated, are regularly abused by health care professionals, both doctors and nurses. I am personally aware of one case in my immediate family where a nurse reported the family to Children’s Protective Services over this issue. Fortunately, the outcome was positive.
You should also be aware that, at least for now, the State of California still provides a waiver from vaccination based upon personal beliefs. There is a new form, CDPH 8261, designed specifically for the new mandated TAP vaccine. You can access information concerning the waivers on line.
Dr. O’Shea’s article is quite lengthy and goes into a great deal more detail regarding the biochemistry of these reactions. If you would like a copy of the entire article, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to our office with a request for the vaccine article.
In the meantime, be vigilant on behalf of your family and your children.
1 O’Shea, Tim, DC, “It’s Nuts; Vaccines and Peanut Allergy,” Spizz Magazine, Issue II, pp. 64-66.
2 Fraser, H. The Peanut Allergy Epidemic – Skyhorse, 2011
3 Kino Yoichiro, Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Res. Inst, JPN, Vol.53, No.6, pg 1850-1852, 2004. [Science Links, Japan]
Mandatory Vaccinations
Children are being removed from parental custody for the purpose of mandatory vaccinationsYou think it couldn't happen to you or your family? It already has in Arkansas. And, there are those who want to make it mandatory at a Federal level.
Vaccination is being touted as a safe and effective means of reducing overall healthcare cost in America. The latest figure I heard was that for every dollar spent on vaccination, ten dollars in future healthcare costs would be saved. In the best interests of everyone, the argument goes, let's mandate universal vaccination. The assumption is that vaccination has no ill effects and that only benefits can accrue. How accurate are those assumptions?
Did you know that the introduction of measles vaccine thirty years ago was responsible for the measles epidemic in 1989 through 1991? Fifty-five thousand were affected; 20% of them required hospitalization; and 13 died, most of them infants. Suddenly, instead of a relatively common and benign childhood illness we now had a serious, life-threatening epidemic. Why? The measles vaccine was supposed to impart lifelong immunity: however, it failed. Furthermore, unlike naturally acquired immunity, vaccination doesn't provide immune factors that cross the placenta to the fetus. Therefore, there was an entire generation of susceptible infants and a large group of adults whose artificial immunity had "worn out." So, instead of eliminating measles, the vaccine shifted the disease to two groups-infants and adults-for whom it is a far more serious and life-threatening disease. The CDC is now advising a second measles vaccination for everyone born after 1957. And then what? A third? (Health Facts, Volume XVIII, No. 171, August 1993)
Other, little known facts regarding vaccination include:
1. Most of the disease for which vaccines have been developed had already lost their virulence before the introduction of the vaccine. Outstanding examples include polio, tuberculosis, smallpox, and measles.
2. Polio is a disease of vaccination. Dr. William F. Koch, M.D., PhD. stated that "(T)he injection of any serum, vaccination or even penicillin has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of polio: at least 400 %." (emphasis added) Repeatedly, in the U.S., mass immunization programs have been followed by an outbreak of polio.
3. Pertussis vaccine caused an adverse neurological reaction in a large test population in 1 in every 389 cases.
4. Unfortunately, a great deal of money is invested in this issue. More is at stake here than the public interest. Barbara Fisher, who served on the National Vaccine Advisory Committee at the request of the Secretary of Health and Human Services and who worked for ten years with staff from the FDA, the CDC and other policy makers to reform the mass vaccination system puts it this way: "We have bad science and bad medicine translated into law to insure that vaccine manufacturers make big profits... As the drug companies have often stated in meetings I have attended, if a vaccine they produce is not mandated to be used on a mass basis, they do not recoup their R & D costs and don't make the profits they want." (Foregoing data from The Chiropractic Journal, September 1993.)
Now, there's a new vaccine available - for Hepatitis B - and the CDC is recommending universal immunization for infants. However, the Pediatric News recently reported that a majority of pediatricians are opposed to the vaccination. (Health Facts, August 1993) Hepatitis B is a lifestyle disease - one acquired by high risk behaviors. Why subject all babies to a vaccine very few may need - particularly when there is practically no long-term information on the risks and benefits of the vaccination? Currently, many infants are being vaccinated in the hospital and the parents don't even realize it.
I have drawn much of my information from two lengthy articles I have in my office. It is impossible for me to provide the wealth of data these articles contain in this limited space. You truly need to read them for yourself. Send a self-addressed business sized envelope with 2 stamps to RFHC, and we will send you your copies immediately.
If your parental concerns are not satisfied by the materials and references, please contact my office for a personal consultation on this subject.
Does this apply to you? If so, see our information on Consultations.
Infant Vaccinations
As many of you know, vaccinating infants and small children can be very dangerous. Until now, there has never been an adequate means of tracking the true extent of the problem. The newly established National Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, in its first ever report, revealed 17,221 serious adverse reactions, including 360 deaths, in the 20 months ending July 31, 1992. However, the fear is that the true incidence is still being underreported, with some physicians not complying and others masking adverse reactions by the concomitant prescription of Tylenol.BE AWARE; A child that runs a high fever (102 to 103 degrees) in response to a vaccine, one who cries shrilly and inconsolably; or one who suddenly becomes apathetic and lethargic may be having an adverse reaction to the vaccine. The dangers include brain damage and even death. A child who has reacted to one of the series of vaccines is at greatly increased risk when given the next of the series. Standard medical practice now mandates over 18 separate vaccinations.
Recently, hepatitis B vaccine has been publicized in the public schools and by pediatricians. The goal is global immunization, yet there is no spread of the disease except by contact with infected blood-infected blood getting into a healthy body, via injection, dirty drug needles, an open wound or possibly the mucous membrane of the eye. The latest recommendation is that newborns be vaccinated in the hospital. How wise is that? Who is truly benefiting from this policy, when you consider the risks of actually getting the disease?
Many of you are aware of the risks of the Pertussis vaccine. The issue was widely publicized when the manufacturer refused to produce vaccine unless indemnified by the government from claims due to vaccine reactions. However, other vaccines are dangerous too. Most noticeably: measles, mumps and rubella.
Until now, in California, parents who do not wish their children immunized have been protected by the First Amendment. A waiver can be obtained from the local board of education stating that vaccinating is contrary to the family's personal beliefs. However, all of that may change.
Hillary Clinton, early in her husband's administration tried to reform the nation's healthcare system. The program she had earlier instituted in Arkansas included the toughest mandatory vaccination law in the nation. Children are being removed from parental custody to enforce the vaccination law and many parents are moving out of state to protect their children. What would happen if vaccination is mandated on a federal level? At what point will universal vaccination become one of the cornerstones of a national effort to reduce healthcare costs?
If you want further information or wish to get involved in this important fight, contact National Vaccine Information Center 512 W. Maple Ave., Suite 206 Vienna, VA 22180 -703-938-3783.
If you are being exposed to this information for the very first time, you may want to read the book Vaccines, Are They Really Safe and Effective? - A Parent's Guide to Childhood Shots, by Neil Z. Miller. This book is also available through National Vaccine Information Center or the new Atlantean Press. You may also order the book through your local bookstore.
Inform yourself. Weigh the benefits and risks. Protect yourself and your family.
Does this apply to you? If so, see our information on Consultations.
Vaccines and the Information Blackout
DECEMBER 2010If you pay attention to health "news," as I do, you must have noticed the current spin. Anyone who opposes vaccination is a kook and is putting the general public in danger. If you have any experience with adverse vaccine reactions, as I have had in my practice, the question immediately arises: "Why are this devastating products still on the market?" This article attempts to shed light on what is going on behind the scenes. more...
FDA Encroaching on Your Freedom of Choice in Health Care
In essence, the FDA is protecting the drug industry by muzzling information about safe and effective, natural alternatives to vaccines. You may have noticed that TV commercials are still being aired, encouraging everyone to get vaccinated against H1N1 "before it's too late." Too late for what? more...
Swine Flu Vaccine Alert
It seems that the swine flu vaccine contains mercury. If you want mercury-free vaccine, you have to make a special request. Not only do you have to request it, but you have to wait, because it isn't yet available. more...
© 2013, Dr N Rowan Richards. This site or any part may not be reproduced without the written consent of Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC, DABCI, FIACA at 727 Lee Court Twin Falls ID 83301. 626.303.3162. This site is Not intended to dispense health advice or serve as a substitute for actual patient contact with a qualified healthcare provider. Our sole purpose is one of education. It is our expectation that our site can educate our visitors about the efficacy of some healthcare treatments that exist as an alternative to conventional medical wisdom.
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