Women's Health | general articles

Heartburn Drugs Have Unexpected Consequences Prilosec®, Nexium® and Zantac® (and other similar drugs used to suppress acid production in your stomach) increase osteoporosis, and the risk of hip fracture. more...
Osteoporosis Statistics
This disease was unknown before 1940; if bone density is high before menopause and the rate of bone loss after menopause is slowed, the onset of a bone demineralization disease may not clinically appear until the individual is over 150 years old. more...
Thermal Imaging (Thermography)
Most Americans are personally aware of the impact of breast cancer because one or more women they know and love have succumbed to this disease that kills thousands of women each year. Understandably, women are deadly serious about waging an effective war upon this disease. more...
Herbs. Are they Safe and Effective?
In view of this data and given the relative toxicity of herbs, which are clearly safer than household cleaners we all use on a daily basis, why all the emphasis on herbal dangers? To fully comprehend the situation, I need to explain the concept of risk/benefit ratio. more...
Vitamin D Benefits
Prior to this, the media has hyped the notion that vitamin D is "toxic" and shouldn't be taken in high doses. However, Robbins, et al, Pathologic Basis of Disease clearly states that vitamin D toxicity begins at 1,000,000 IUs per day.,more...
Here We Go Again!!!
Have you seen the latest "health news"? Women should limit weight gain in pregnancy, due to an increase in obesity in toddlers! more...
Protect Yourself Against the West Nile Virus
West Nile Virus has reached Southern California. And, if you listen to the media reports, we are all doomed! So, I'd like to interject a little sanity into the discussion, in the form of cold, hard facts. I researched this information on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) web site, in my medical microbiology texts, and on a consumer-friendly informational site. The statistics are all from the CDC. more...
Coral Calcium Alert
It has come to my attention that Coral Calcium can be very dangerous to people who are allergic to shrimp and shellfish. more...
Women's Health | hormone replacement therapy
Hormone Replacement Therapy
A longitudinal study is based on tracking many women over many years as they use hormones, and watching what happens. The study was abruptly cancelled due to the severity of the side effects. more...
Hormone Replacement Therapy: Is it for me?
Because we've been hearing more and more and more and more haven't we about women, menopause, and all of the different drug treatments available for menopause. It seems like it's the thing that's in the news more than anything else recently. I'll just give you folks just a couple of minutes here. So did most of you feel like you had a definite opinion on most of these questions? They're all false. Every single last one of them is false. more...
Herbs - Variations in Quality and Non-Estrogenic Menopausal Relief
There's a great deal of misinformation regarding herbs and particularly in the area of 'standardized extracts.' Often, a standardized extract simply means that there is a defined weight of herb per ml of extract. The problem comes in the quality of the raw materials. Let me give you two examples. more...
Women's Health | pregnancy
Breast Cancer
Even though breast-sparing treatment of cancer has proven to be as effective in prolonging life in Stage l & Stage II breast cancer as mastectomy, mastectomy continues to be the treatment of choice. It is not clear whether women are making informed decisions, or whether doctors are still misrepresenting mastectomy as a "sure thing." more...
Does Mamography Save Lives?
According to Dr. Charles J. Wright of the University of British Columbia and Dr. C. Barber Muelle of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, there is no proof yet that mammography screening saves lives. In fact, no clinical trial has ever found any benefit whatsoever to women under the age of 40, and there is now a cloud of doubt that hangs over the claim that mammography screening has value to older women. more...
Here We Go Again!!!
Have you seen the latest "health news"? Women should limit weight gain in pregnancy, due to an increase in obesity in toddlers! more...
Vitamin E, Asthma, and Pre-natal Risk
They found that low intake of vitamin E during pregnancy was associated with a higher r../../archives/isk among offspring for developing persistent asthma, beginning during the first two years of life and continuing to at least until age five. more...
Fish Oils Supplements Vital During Pregnancy
This is a huge win for all pregnant women and their babies. FINALLY, it has been demonstrated that babies born to women who take fish oil supplements in the last trimester of pregnancy have better neurological development. more...
Estrogen Cancer/GERD Meds/Fish Oils & Pregnancy At Last!!
The first issue: Estrogen and cancer risk. It's been almost a year since the initial announcement that estrogen therapy increases a woman's risk of cancer. This is true even of bioidentical hormones, which many doctors have turned to as an alternative to Premarin®. more...
Women's Health | reproductive cancer
Estrogen & Cancer/Osteoporosis/Fish Oils & Pregnancy At Last!!The first issue: Estrogen and cancer risk. It's been almost a year since the initial announcement that estrogen therapy increases a woman's risk of cancer. This is true even of bioidentical hormones, which many doctors have turned to as an alternative to Premarin®. more...
Endocrine and Reproductive Cancer
The three leading causes of death in America (when you include peripheral vascular disease, which is number 3) are diseases of lifestyle, and our health care system offers little or no lifestyle counseling, focusing instead on early detection. more...
Estrogen and Cancer Risk - 1 Year Later
Estrogen and cancer risk. It's been almost a year since the initial announcement that estrogen therapy increases a woman's risk of cancer. This is true even of bioidentical hormones, which many doctors have turned to as an alternative to Premarin®. more...
The Truth About Estrogen
On December 20, 2000, the morning news programs were full of the "latest" health news - this time concerning estrogen and hormone replacement therapy. If you didn't hear it, the announcement was that estrogen is carcinogenic and women should rethink their use of it for prolonged periods. more...
Women's Health | osteoperosis
Oseoporosis. A Modern Scourge
You may be very worried about osteoporosis - given the media blitz for bisphosphonate drugs. But, are you aware of common medical interventions that result in osteoporosis? In this letter, I will discuss the most common prescription drugs that contribute to this problem. more...
Strontium Gives Strength
Widely used in Europe but much less so in the US, strontium reduces fracture risk. Strontium ranelate (SR), the most studied form, induces osteoblastogenesis, and has been shown to prevent and to reverse osteoporosis. more...
Analysis of Misleading Medical Study re Calcium and Osteoporosis
Are you as tired as I am of all these "scientific studies" designed to demonstrate that what you really need is drugs? The latest in a long list of poorly designed or possibly, purposefully rigged studies is the latest, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, on February 16, 2006. more...
Dangers of Osteoporosis Drugs
FINALLY! A study being presented this week (March 11, 2010) at the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons' annual meeting links the use of bisphosphonates (Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, etc.) to an increased risk of fracture in women, particularly in the hip and thigh. more...
Vitamin D Benefits
Prior to this, the media has hyped the notion that vitamin D is "toxic" and shouldn't be taken in high doses. However, Robbins, et al, Pathologic Basis of Disease clearly states that vitamin D toxicity begins at 1,000,000 IUs per day. more...
Osteoporosis Affects Everyone
Since 1986 we've had a lot of media attention about osteoporosis, you know, Fosamax, and protect your bones and it goes on and on and on. And a lot of women are receiving estrogen prescriptions to "prevent the development of osteoporosis." This is a sideline, I'd just like to say to you, there is no proof that estrogen prevents osteoporosis. more...
Heartburn Drugs Have Unexpected Consequences
Prilosec®, Nexium® and Zantac® (and other similar drugs used to suppress acid production in your stomach) increase osteoporosis, and the risk of hip fracture. more...
One of the most common questions I am asked - and one of the most difficult to answer is "Doctor, what calcium should I take?" There is no easy and straightforward answer to that. I am, however, very glad that everyone is becoming more aware of the importance of calcium - particularly since it is so deficient in most American diets. more...
Case Profile
Case Profile (Women's Health)I am a woman over 50. I have seen my sex drive decline over the last 20 years. I had thought this was a normal condition, even though very disappointing. Sex was often very painful, for no apparent reason. I was also suffering with a variety of abdominal pains and incapacitating low back pain that did not seem to resolve with chiropractic care.
It was not until Dr. Richards determined that I had severe adhesions in the pelvic cavity, from a hysterectomy many years ago and began a program of reducing those adhesions, that I saw a dramatic change in my body. The low back pain is now manageable with chiropractic care. The abdominal pain is significantly reduced. And, I can happily report that I have regained my interest in sex and now have the responsive body of a much younger woman! This is a joyous change in my life. I am truly grateful. --Patient
I have treated a number of women with pelvic adhesions. The results have been far in excess of my expectations. Common predisposing conditions include: hysterectomy, pelvic laproscopy, pelvic inflammatory disease, and trauma to the coccyx or sacrum. --Dr. Richards
© 2011, Dr N Rowan Richards. This site or any part may not be reproduced without the written consent of Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC, DABCI, FIACA at 727 Lee Court, Twin Falls ID 83301. 626.303.3162. email:frontoffice@richardsfamilyhealth.com. This site is Not intended to dispense health advice or serve as a substitute for actual patient contact with a qualified healthcare provider. Our sole purpose is one of education. It is our expectation that our site can educate our visitors about the efficacy of some healthcare treatments that exist as an alternative to conventional medical wisdom.
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