Environmental Illness

Aluminum Toxicity
In The Lancet, 2 May 1987, researchers at New York City's Mt. Sinai School of Medicine reported that they had reproduced the brain lesions found in Alzheimer's disease by exposing rabbits to inhaled aluminum. The aluminum not only showed up in the brain, but it also accumulated in the exact regions were the lesions of Alzheimer's disease occurs and in the frontal lobe, paralleling the olfactory nerve. more...

One of the most dangerous substances in the US food supply is aspartame and otherwise known as Equal(R), Spoonful(R) or NutraSweet(R). There are over 5,000 "sugar free" products on the market which contain this neurotoxin. And, now that the patent has expired, we can expect many more! more...

The Dangers of Splenda
Have you ever wondered exactly what Splenda is made of? I know I have; and when I went looking out on the Web, the information wasn't readily available. Now, the news is out! more...

Hydrogenated (trans) Fats Being Whitewashed
Have you heard the latest? The medical community is attempting to change public perception of trans fat! After all the bad publicity about how dangerous hydrogenated fats are to the health of your heart, the latest article on WebMD [dated March 7, 2008] attempts to cloud the issue by asserting that "Not All Trans Fats are Equally Risky." more...

Do you need iodine? Can it help? Will it hurt?
First of all, I do not believe anyone in the U.S. will die due to radiation leaked from the Japanese reactors. Not only will the radiation be washed out of the air by precipitation in Japan, but also it then has to cross the Pacific Ocean, where it will further dissipate. Weather and wind patterns will truly determine the extent of our possible exposure here on the West Coast. more...


> Berger, Martin, Hazardous Substances, A Reference, 1986, Enslow Publishers, Inc.
> Dreisbach, Robt H. and Robertson, William O., Handbook of Poisoning, 12th Ed., 1987, Appleton & Lange
> Sittig, Marshall, Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals, 1981, Noyes Publications
> Steingraber, Sandra, Ph.D., Living Downstream, An Ecologist Looks at Cancer & the Environment, 1997, Addison-Wesley Publishing
> Steinman, David and Epstein, Samuel S., M.d., The Safe Shopper's Bible, A Consumer's Guide to Nontoxic Household Products, Cosmetics & Food, 1995, Macmillan.

> Appleby, PH, "Building Related Illnesses," British Medical Journal, Sept. 14, 1996
> Bukowski, "VOCs increased by indoor insecticide application," Environ. Sci. & Tech., 1995
> Dale, Stephen, "Sick bay for sick buildings," Canadian Geographic, 1996
> Ember, Lois, "Indoor Air Quality Bill Opposed by EPA," Chemical Engineering News, 1987
> Maret, "Allergic to the 20th Century," Library Journal, Aug. 1997
> Maynard, Roberta, "Out with the bad air, in with the good," Nation's Business, Oct. 1995
> McNamee, David, "Curing sick buildings," Lancet, May 27, 1995
> Marshall, Paul H., "Addressing indoor air quality concerns," Occupational Hazards, 1996
> Redlich, Carrie A., "Sick building syndrome," Lancet, April 5, 1997
> Zhang, Junfeng, "Indoor air chemistry: Formation of organic acids & aldehydes," Environ. Sci. & Tech., 1994


Case Profile

Case Profile (CFIDS and Immunune System Collapse)
"Your wife is a very sick woman. She's been through too much and I don't expect her to live more than three to six months." This was my forecast, given to my husband, after my surgery in July of 1990. With that prognosis, I was then given nominal care in preparation for my demise. In January of 1991, my immune system collapsed. However, I felt that I wanted to live and continued to struggle.

I first saw Dr. Richards in April of 1991. She was thorough in both examination and testing, but more than that, she was thorough in gleaning medical history from me. The road has been rough, but her care brought me through and was most comprehensive. As a friend stated after I described the care I was getting, "She's helping your body to heal." She was so patient because I was suffering both physically and emotionally. I had been the victim of surgeries and the ramifications from them, some serious medical neglect, over-medicated, over-worked, and stressed to the max. It took a long time, but life is so precious and I wanted to treasure any extension of time I could have with my family. It means a lot to have a doctor who is willing to help you fight to live, rather than one who doesn't care enough to try. Standard medical training and treatment does not have all the answers. I'm living proof of that. --EK

E.K. has made a remarkable recovery, with very little support from her medical practitioners. She has wonderful determination and her courage has been a large factor in her recovery. --Dr. Richards