Discussion of Allergies
There is a great deal of confusion even amongst doctors about allergic reactions and the symptoms that they can cause. I have actually had some medical doctors tell my patients that "hives are the only true allergy." That simply shows the depth of their ignorance in this area. Over the last 10 to 15 years, with the emergence of the AIDS virus, information regarding our immune systems has ballooned. We now know that the classic allergy picture--itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose--is just the tip of the iceberg. more...
Symptoms Associated with Food Allergies
JOINTS Ache-pain Stiffness Swelling Erythema-warmth-redness SKIN Itching (local or general) Scratching Moistness-sweating Flushing-hives Pallor-white or ghostly HEAD PAIN Headache-mild-moderate Severe migraine Ache-pressure Tight-explode Throbbing-stabbing FATIGUE Tired Generalized heaviness Sleepy-yawning Exhausted Fall asleep GENERALIZED Dizzy-lightheaded Imbalanced-staggering Vertigo-blackout Going to faint Chilly-cold Warmth-hot flashes MENTAL (DEPRESSED) Withdrawn-listless Vacant-faces Negative-indifferent Confused-dazed Depressed Crying-sobbing MENTAL (STIMULATED) Silly-intoxicated Grimacing More alert-talkative Hyperactive Tense-restless Anxious-apprehensive Fear-panic Irritable-angry SPEECH COMPREHENSION Mentally sluggish Concentration poor Memory loss (acute) Speech slurred Stammering- stuttering Speech paralysis Reads aloud poorly Reads without comprehension Hears without comprehension Math, spelling errors MUSCLE Muscle tremor-jerking Muscle cramps- spasms Pseudoparalysis-weak CONTACT WITH REALITY Poor contact Surroundings unreal Disoriented-catatonic stuporous False belief- delusions hallucination False perceptions Suicidal Desire to hurt self Maniacal-very highly disturbed |
NASAL Sneezing Itching-rubbing Obstruction Discharge Post-nasal drip Sinus discomfort Stuffy feeling THROAT, MOUTH Itching Sore-tight-swollen Dysphagia-difficulty in swallowing Choking Weak voice-hoarse Profuse salivation Mucus Bad taste Metallic taste EARS Itching Full, blocked Reddening Tinnitis-ringing in ears Earache Hearing loss Abnormal sensitivity to sound LUNGS-HEART Coughing Wheezing Reduced air flow Retracting-sob Heaviness-tightness Not enough air Hyperventilation Chest pain Tachycardia (rapid pulse) Palpitations (rapid, violent pulse) EYES Itching-burning-pain Tearing Infected Allergic shiners Eyes feel heavy VISON Blurring Acuity decreased Spots-flashes Darker-vision loss Photophobia (bright lights hurt) Diptophobia (double vision) Dyslexia Words "move around" GENITO-URINARY Mild/reduced urge to void Frequency Urgency-pressure Painful-difficult urination Dysuria-genital itch GASTROINTESTINAL-ABDOMINAL Nausea Belching Full-bloated feeling Vomiting Pressure-pain-cramps Flatus-rumbling Diarrhea Constipation Gall bladder symptoms Hunger Thirst Hyperacidity MUSCLES Tight-stiff Aching-soreness-pain |
William H. Phillpot, MD, A Phvsician's Handbook on Orthomolecular Medicine. 1977
Does this apply to you? If so try our self evaluating Food Allergy
CFIDS | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Recently, I have been seeing a great many people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - now called "Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome," or CFIDS for short. In almost every case, they are medical "failures." They have gotten no relief; all they've been given is a diagnosis - as though categorizing and naming the syndrome afforded relief. CFIDS is really a very old problem. It is a constellation of symptoms caused by disordered physiology. more...
Fill out our Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Questionnaire
QuestionnairesAuto-Immune Diseases - The Mystery Illness
Note: This is text taken from a talk given by Dr Richards. I have been asked on various occasions to give presentations on lupus, on multiple sclerosis, on rheumatoid arthritis--all of these degenerative diseases that tend to be a very large problem in America. And the thing is, it doesn't matter what you call it, it's all the same thing. more...
Spring is Here and Allergies are Blooming
I thought I'd share with you a natural approach to seasonal allergy control. A treatment plan that doesn't make you drowsy and doesn't have adverse side effects. more...
Case Profiles
Case Profile (Allergies)"The first time I visited the Richards Family Health Center, I was barely able to walk 50 feet. My husband had to literally take care of me for two whole months. I visited several M.D.'s but none of them could find anything "wrong" with me. A few of them suggested that my state of health was psychologically induced, so they just told me to rest. All of the doctors prescribed anti-depressant drugs or some other related medication. I thought I was dying.
"A friend of my mom suggested that I visit the Richards Family Health Center. She spoke very highly of Dr. Richards, so I thought 'What do I have to lose?'
I was very surprised after my first visit because Dr. Richards actually LISTENED to everything I wanted to say. She thoroughly explained the treatment plan to a point where I was comfortable.
"After my first visit, I felt better. After three weeks of treatment, I noticed a big difference in my health. I had more energy, I could walk unassisted and I was feeling better about myself and life in general.
"I'd like to add that the staff is great. I feel very much at home whenever I come into the office and they make me feel like a whole person, not just a patient. If it wasn't for Dr. Richards and the Richards Family Health Center, I know I'd be in bed still wondering what's wrong with me. My husband and family can never thank her enough." --TO
Hidden food allergies are often the key to "unexplained" illness. It's very rewinding to assist someone in regaining a normal life.
Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Allergies, Intestinal)
I just got a bonus in my new job and I am writing to thank you. A year ago I could never have held a full-time job, much less out-performed younger people. I had little stamina and had trouble breathing.
Your evaluation disclosed that I had severe allergies, as well as Candida. Over the course of the past year, following your instructions, I eliminated polyester from my wardrobe and bedding, as well as other allergy-related substances, filtered my air and water, eliminated the Candida through a combination of diet and homeopathic treatment and, of course, received regular treatment in the office.
Today, I breathe normally. Also those nasty headaches are a thing of the past. I know how I feel is up to me, so with your guidance and my determination to feel better I have a great second half of my life to live.
Thank you very much for your incomparable counseling and treatment. I know I can say this for many, you have "saved" more than one of us. --Gratefully, CD
These are the experiences that make my practice worthwhile. Actually many of us are allergic to polyester, yet, it is the ubiquitous "hypoallergenic" substance. Don't be misled. Polyester pillows can cause as many problems as feather and down. If you have intractable asthma or recurrent respiratory infections, be sure you get tested for chemical allergies, as well as the "common" offenders. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Pediatrics, Cranial, Allergies)
"I had heard about Dr. Richards from a friend of mine. My son, C., had a very aggressive relationship with his brother and his father. The fighting was more than just your typical quarreling. After discussing our options, my husband and I decided to take C. to Dr. Richards while my husband and I went to a family therapist.
"After about three weeks, my husband and I had noticed a change. C. was fighting a lot less with his brother, his relationship with his dad was improving and he was more mellow. And that was after we stopped going to the family therapist. Dr. Richards and the entire staff were very good with C. and now I hope to take my other son for treatment too. --TC
This is simply another example of a situation where cranial distortions and food allergies result in difficult behavior. Children are very direct and they don't have a lot of ways to express their pain. Helping them become pain-free is quite a privilege. --Dr. Richards
Case Profile (Food Allergies / Atypical Angina)
"I was originally going to a general practitioner for chest pain. From just one EKG, he diagnosed me as having angina pectoris. So, he prescribed heart medications for my condition. When he left the staate, I saw a cardiologist. Without running any further tests, the cardiologist maintained the original diagnosis and, as a precautionary measure, he kep me on the meds. Well, the chest pain never got any better, even after seeing two doctors! I felt that the heart meds were rapidly killing me.
At the suggestion of my wife, I reluctantly sought help from Dr. Richards. She determined that I, in fact, did not have angina pectoris. The condition I had was Prinzmetal’s angina, which came about from food allergies. Dr. Richards prescribed a nutritional/allergy-avoidance program for me based on allergy and blood tests. After a short while, the pain in my chest stopped. --FLR
Mr. R. was right, the heart meds were killing him. He also has a heart block, and the medications he had been prescribed are contraindicated in that condition. They drive the patient into heart failure. Not only is he free of chest pain; he's also free of heart medication, as well. --Dr Richards
Case Profile (Laboratory, Nutrition, CFIDS)
"Your wife is a very sick woman. She's been through too much and I don't expect her to live more than three to six months." This was my forecast, given to my husband, after my surgery in July of 1990. With that prognosis, I was then given nominal care in preparation for my demise. In January of 1991, my immune system collapsed. However, I felt that I wanted to live and continued to struggle.
I first saw Dr. Richards in April of 1991. She was thorough in both examination and testing, but more than that, she was thorough in gleaning medical history from me. The road has been rough, but her care brought me through and was most comprehensive. As a friend stated after I described the care I was getting, "She's helping your body to heal. "She was so patient because I was suffering both physically and emotionally. I had been the victim of surgeries and the ramifications from them, some serious medical neglect, over-medicated, over-worked, and stressed to the max. It took a long time, but life is so precious and I wanted to treasure any extension of time I could have with my family. It means a lot to have a doctor who is willing to help you fight to live, rather than one who doesn't care enough to try. Standard medical training and treatment does not have all the answers. I'm living proof of that. --EK
E.K. has made a remarkable recovery, with very little support from her medical practitioners. She has wonderful determination and her courage has been a large factor in her recovery. --Dr Richards
© 2013, Dr N Rowan Richards. This site or any part may not be reproduced without the written consent of Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC, DABCI, FIACA at 727 Lee Court, Twin Falls ID 83301. 626.303.3162. This site is Not intended to dispense health advice or serve as a substitute for actual patient contact with a qualified healthcare provider. Our sole purpose is one of education. It is our expectation that our site can educate our visitors about the efficacy of some healthcare treatments that exist as an alternative to conventional medical wisdom.
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