Recently, I have been seeing a great many people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - now called "Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome," or CFIDS for short. In almost every case, they are medical "failures." They have gotten no relief; all they've been given is a diagnosis - as though categorizing and naming the syndrome afforded relief.
CFIDS is really a very old problem. It is a constellation of symptoms caused by disordered physiology. That makes it pretty easy to treat once you identify what specific parts of a person's metabolism need support. And, while there are similarities, each person is unique and needs a unique prescription. That very uniqueness means CFIDS does not match the medical model of one treatment per disease, regardless of who has it.
At its root, CFIDS begins as a stress disorder. Long-term stress exhausts the adrenal glands which become less and less effective in maintaining homeostasis (the balanced state of physiology where the body constantly corrects itself, coming back to normal each time).
The adrenals use the immune system as a primary tool in maintaining homeostasis; we call this the "immune response." And, as the adrenals weaken, the immune system deregulates. The result: chronic viral infections and, for most people, delayed hypersensitivity reactions. What makes the picture confusing from a medical point of view is that you have two seemingly contradictory states co-existing: hypovigilance (the inability to fight off infection) and hypervigilance (allergies) in the immune system. It only makes sense when viewed from the perspective of the immune response as effect - not cause.
The single most important physiologic function to support in CFIDS is the adrenal gland. Secondarily, the gut and digestion need to be normalized and, for many, allergies identified. The longer CFIDS has gone on the higher the likelihood of allergies and the greater the number of reactive substances.
Once your physiology starts to normalize, you can get back in control of your own life by beginning to notice what factors trigger an attack of fatigue. The trigger may be environmental; it may be emotional; it may be a lifestyle issue.
The key factor is feeling well enough to notice the differences and having enough information about yourself to know what to look for. Once you reach that point, you can make decisions that are more effective in managing your life. Most people see marked improvement in 6 months to a year. For some, the results come even faster.
If you've been diagnosed with CFIDS and have had unsuccessful treatment - don't suffer needlessly any longer. Call the office and make an appointment today.
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