Submit a Case Profile

If you are interested in publishing your case study, please fax your story to us, using the form provided below.

Note: we suggest that you select the following text and copy it to a word document so that you can complete it and fax it to us at 626.963.8969.

CASE STUDY Statement:

Some questions to think about that may assist you in writing your statement.
How did you hear about the Richards Family Health Center (RFHC)?
2. Why did you (or your child) start coming for care?
3. What was the state of your health, and your life quality, as a result of your health, before coming to RFHC?
4. What changes have you seen in your health, or that of your child, since receiving care at RFHC?

Case Statement

Authorization for Publication

I __________________________________hereby give the Richards Family Health Center and Dr. N. Rowan Richards authorization to publish, at their discretion, my patient case history as previously submitted. I give my permission that it can be published in brochures, newsletters and/or the RFHC web site. I am signing this agreement understanding that my name will NOT be published, and my identity will be protected.

