Cassette Tape Library

Dr. Richards has available a selection of cassettes on a variety of topics. Most of the tapes were presentations before a live audience. The tape "Creative Stress Relief" was mastered In the studio to answer the need for a secular and biological approach to relaxation and immune stimulation.

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If paying by check, please make payable to Richards Family Health Center

Please indicate the quantity of each tape you are ordering. Allow two (2) weeks for delivery. Each tape costs $10, prepaid. Add $2.50 for shipping and handling for each tape ordered. For 5 to 10 tapes: shipping and handling is $12. Mail this form to Richards Family Health Center, 242 South Glendora Ave, Glendora CA 91741, or fax to 626.963.9869, or call and place a phone order with your credit card. Contact the office for bulk prices (10 copies or more of a single title)

Creative Stress Relief
__ Creative Stress Relief {Learn to use your relaxation response, combined
with creative visualization to engage your body's immune system}

Women's Health Issues
__ Osteoporosis and the Truth About Calcium Metabolism
__ Premenstrual Syndrome: Fact from Fiction
__ Hormone Replacement Therapy: Is It for Me? Do I Have a Choice?
__ Breast Cancer and How to Protect Yourself
__ Breast Cancer
__ Stress and the Female Cycle

Men's Health Issues
__ Prostate Health
__ Your Prosiate and You

Pediatric Topics
__ Pediatrics Series, Tape 1: The Ten Most Common Childhood Illnesses What You Should Know
__ Pediatrics Series, Tape 2: Kids Need Chiropractic, Too!
__ Pediatric Series, Tape 3: Strengthen and Defend Your Child's Immune System
__ Pediatric Series, Tape 4: Inside the Problem Child
__ The Hyperactive Child: An Alternative Approach
__ ADHD, Are We Drugging Our Children?

Cancer Series
__ The Paleolithic (Caveman) Diet
__ Carcinogens in the Modern Diet
__ Cancer and How It Develops
__ Natural Cancer Treatments

General Interest Topics
__ Hope and Help for Chronic Fatigue
__ Cardiovascular Fitness: Is Running Enough?
__ Cardiovascular Fitness: Is Your Diet Your Downfall?
__ Fat in The American Diet - America's Love Aff air with Fats is Killing Us
__ America, Overfed and Undernourished
__ Allergies and Your Health
__ Hidden Allergies: An Environmental Epidemic
__ Autoimmune Diseases - The Mystery Illnesses
__ Pain - The Body's E-mail
__ Indigestion - The Body's Cry for Help
__ Digestive Disorders: A Common Sense Approach to a Common Problem
__ Optimum Health: How to Get it, How to Keep It
__ Optimum Wellness
__ Mastering Stress

____ Total number of tapes

____ 8.25% sales tax if shipping in California

____ Shipping and handling

____ Total