Are you fatigued? Unable to lose weight? Have high cholesterol and have been prescribed statin drugs? You may be suffering from a crucial mineral deficiency.
Iodine deficiency is one of the most under-diagnosed problems in the U.S.; and, it contributes to a host of our most prevalent chronic health issues. See Table 1, below, for a partial list of these conditions.
Conditions Treated with Iodine [table 1]
Attention Deficit Disorder |
Infections |
Atherosclerosis |
Keloids |
Breast Diseases |
Liver Diseases |
Dupuytren's Contracture |
Ovarian Disease |
Excess Mucous Production |
Parotid Duct Stones |
Fatigue |
Peyronie's syndrome |
Fibrocystic breasts |
Prostate disorders |
Hemorrhoids |
Sebaceous cysts |
Headaches & Migraine Headaches |
Thyroid Disorders |
Hypertension |
Vaginal Infections |
In an effort to take the efficacy of our wellness program to a new level, I have been intensely studying endocrine imbalance. In this and subsequent newsletters, I will share what I have been learning with you.
I will discuss the crucial interactions of iodine, thyroid function and our endocrine system as a whole, since iodine and proper amounts of thyroid hormone regulate (and interact with) our gonads, adrenals, pancreas and liver. The truth is: every cell in our body is dependent upon adequate levels of iodine and thyroid hormone to regulate their metabolism.
Please review Table 2 to determine whether you see yourself in this list of the signs and symptoms of poor thyroid function. I know I did.
Signs & Symptoms of Hypothyroidism [table 2]
Brittle nails |
Hypotension |
Cold hands & feet |
Inability to concentrate |
Cold intolerance |
Infertility |
Constipation |
Irritability |
Depression |
Menstrual irregularities |
Difficulty swallowing |
Muscle cramps |
Dry skin |
Muscle weakness |
Elevated cholesterol |
Nervousness |
Essential hypertension |
Poor memory |
Eyelid swelling |
Puffy eyes |
Fatigue |
Slower heartbeat |
Hair loss |
Throat pain |
Hoarseness |
Weight gain |
If you find yourself on the "possibly" list, please contact the office for instructions on how to do an Iodine Patch Test and Axillary Temperature Test. If you can come to the Clinic, Vicky will do the initial part of the Iodine Patch Test at no charge to get you started. The patch test is a screening test and indicates whether you need further blood tests.
The problem for the medical community is that poor thyroid function is multi-factorial. It can be due to i) iodine deficiency; ii) inadequate production of thyroid hormone (T4); iii) inadequate conversion of T4 to T3 (the form active in the cells); iv) toxic overload in the body of the toxic halides chlorine, fluorine and bromine; and v) vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The key is to put each individual's biochemical profile together to develop a personalized solution for them. (N.B. I will cover the toxic halides at length in a subsequent newsletter.)
Conventional medical care simply looks at the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) on a blood test and, if your levels are within the range of 0.4 to 4.0 µIU/ml (as reported by our lab), you are fine. Unfortunately, this approach is very limited and doesn't tease out whether your body is able to use the thyroid hormone (T4) being produced. In addition, the range is much too broad.
For clarity when reading the studies below, please be aware that 0.4 µIU/ml is the same as 0.4 mIU/L. This will allow you to review your own blood test report intelligently.
Let me give you just a couple of examples. A study reported in the Archives of Int Med studied 209 women over a period of 12.7 years. They found that women with the lowest TSH level (<1.0mIU/L) and the highest level (>2.1mIU/L) had an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease compared to those in the middle (0.5 - 2.1 mIU/L). And, the differences were enormous. The lowest group had a 239% increase in Alzheimer's and the highest group a 215% increase.
Similarly, a study was done involving 17,311 women of a period of 8.3 years and reported in the Archives of Int Med. These women were sorted into 3 groups:
Low TSH 0.5 - 1.4mIU/L
Middle TSH 1.4 - 2.52 mIU/L
High TSH 2.52 - 3.5 mIU/L
(Note: all of these values are within "normal" range)
These values were then correlated with death from cardiovascular (CV) disease. The mid-range group had a 41% increase in the risk of CV disease death. The high range had a 69% increase.
If we correlate these two findings, we can set an optimum TSH level at 1.0 - 1.3 mIU/L. Dr. David Brownstein, to whom I am indebted for much of this detail, prefers a range of 1.0 - 1.2 mIU/L. If you want greater depth on this topic, visit his web site and order one of his excellent books. Iodine; Why You Need It; Why You Can't Live Without It is an excellent place to start. You may see yourself in the symptom patterns listed above and you may have a low first morning body temperature and iodine patch test. What's the next step? I will discuss the additional testing that is needed in the next installment of this newsletter. Thereafter, the third edition will discuss the reasons for rampant iodine deficiency in the U.S. If you don't want to wait, call the office and schedule a consultation for immediate testing.
© 2009 This site or any part may not be reproduced without the written consent of Richards Family Health Center. N Rowan Richards, DC, DABCI, FIACA at 242 South Glendora CA 91741. 626.963.1678. This site is Not intended to dispense health advice or serve as a substitute for actual patient contact with a qualified healthcare provider. Our sole purpose is one of education. It is our expectation that our site can educate our visitors about the efficacy of some healthcare treatments that exist as an alternative to conventional medical wisdom.
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